Chapter 75

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"Chris..." I whisper as he holds me... I had finally stopped crying and had calmed down. He has explained himself and i believe him. Maybe it is stupid... But as i looked into his eyes i could see he was telling the truth... "Yes sweetheart..." He mumbles as he kisses the top of my head again... But i dont speak as my mind is working overtime... I want to ask him what happens now... I want to ask him how we go on from this. I want to know how he is going to deal with the girl. But dont know how to bring that up without sounding like a needy insecure little girl... I dont want him to think i dont trust him... Because after our talk i do... I felt guilty for doubting him even if it was for a second. Other than what happened today he never gave me a reason to doubt him. And maybe i had jumped the gun today... Maybe i should just walked up and see what was going on rather than go all emotional and walk off...

Part of me wants her gone even if she is just going to be around for a few more days. But i know that is probably not realistic... It would be a PR nightmare... Would Chris want me with him on set... Or does he want me to stay home while she is still around... And what do i want... Would it be psycho if i demand to come with... Would i be able to keep a straight face around her. Or would i go full psycho bitch on her... Would i show her who he belongs to... That last part resonates with me the most... The idea of showing her that he is mine makes me internally giddy... I want to ask him all this but i dont want to think i am crazy... I dont want to be the type of fiancée and eventually wife... 

All of a sudden i realize something. He has introduced me to everyone as his wife, God knows why as we are not married yet... But still, he did... That must mean he did that to her to... That means this bitch knows damn well he is spoken for... Even if we were not engaged... We are together and have a daughter... She didn't seem to care. I can't help but feel that something is off about her. Something is not right. I have this nagging feeling settling in... I take a deep breath and try to shake it....

"Elle? Sweetheart?" He says as i had stayed silent for a while caught up in my own thoughts. I look up at him and give him a little smile...

"Nothing... Never mind..." I whisper and he sighs... He puts gentle takes my chin in his hand and makes me look up at him... "Talk to me sweetheart... Ask me anything you want. I got nothing to hide... I just want you to believe me when i say you are the only one i want... I will always come home to you and Faye... I love you so much..." He says and i sigh putting my hand on his cheek. "I believe you..." I whisper and he lets out a massive sigh pressing his forehead against mine. "I love you to..." I whisper as i try to let it go... Soon his regular assistant will be back and now i know who she is i can remember her from our baby shower. She was nice. Her wife was sweet, and they didn't give me bad vibes. I groan internally as i start to realize why this is... She is a lesbian... Married... Has a kid... No threat to me... God, i am just a jealous possessive bitch... When did this happen... When did i become like this. I was not like this on his last project... But then it hits me... I am a mother now... A mother to his baby... And i would be damned if i let anyone take that from me. 

"I just didn't like her touching you..." I mumble and he gives me a little smile. "I didn't like it either." He mumbles... That answer makes me happy... I press my lips on his and i can feel him relax... I kiss him again and again first just pecks but soon the kiss deepens and i push him on his back lying down with me on top of him... He wraps his arms around me and holds me tight... I feel myself relax. I am in my favorite place ever... On his chest listening to his steady heartbeat... It calms me. His warmth seeping over to me... It feels so nice and comforting... I let out a deep sigh and cuddle into him more... 

 But then the doorbell rings and we look at each other confused. "Are you expecting someone?" I ask and he shakes his head a little. "No..." He mumbles and sigh wanting to get up. "No... Just ignore it..." He mumbles with a little smirk on his face and i lay back on his chest. "They will know someone is home... The car is still in the driveway..." I mumble and he shrugs... "Dont care..." He mumbles... The doorbell rings again but we dont react. But i hold my breath hoping Faye won't wake up from the doorbell... I let out a sigh of relief as she seems to sleep through it. 

But then there is knocking... Loud knocking... Someone is pounding on the door... I lift my head again and look at Chris who just groans... "I better go check... I dont want them to wake up Faye..." I murmur but Chris shakes his head... "No stay..." He mumbles pouting at me and i giggle... Another set of pounding on the door... "For the love of god... Who the hell does that... I mean get a hint... After ringing a bell two times and a door doesn't open... Let it go..." I say annoyed and push myself up as Chris finally lets me go... "Dont worry i will get rid of them..." I say and he chuckles... "Give them that look, and they will run... You know you can be quite scary..." He says and i smirk... "Good... Remember that... Never underestimate me Mr. Evans..." I say giggling and walk to the front door... 

Just before i open it another set of knocks and i groan and swing open the door... "What!" I say but as soon as i see the person on the other side of the door my blood drains from my face...

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