Chapter 71

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There is a knock on the trailer door and i look up from my book. Faye is sleeping and i know Chris is filming, besides he would not knock. There is another knock on the door this time a little louder and i groan... "Whoever it is... They better not fucking wake up Faye..." I mumble putting the book away. Before i can even reach the door there is another set of loud knocks and i get angry walk to the door and swing it open looking annoyed at the person... 

"Hi..." A woman says all perky which annoys me because i have no idea who she is and she asks all familiar as if she knows me... I just look at her with a blank stare blocking the door as i dont feel like letting her in... I dont say a word and just stare her down... My little girl is thankfully still sleeping and i dont know what she wants... I somehow feel a bit on edge... 

"I am Chris his assistant on set..." She says again in that perky tone and smiling as she sees my confusion. "Of course, sorry..." I say taking a deep breath keeping my voice cold. I take her in and i dont know what to think of her. She is beautiful and i know i shouldn't but the thought of her hanging around Chris all day makes me feel some sort of way. "I take care of all his... needs... on set..." She chirps and i look at her. The way she formulates it irks me... 

"Well thank you but i dont need anything..." I say crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Oh... Okay... Are you sure... Chris said..." She starts and Faye starts to cry... So i cut her off and sigh... "Look i dont need anything and next time i would appreciate it if you dont knock so loud... OUR daughter was sleeping..." I say and she blushes... For a moment i feel bad for snapping. She was just doing her job but something at her annoys me. "But thanks tho..." I say trying to be friendly and she gives me a smile and hands me a card... "Call me when you need something... Or need help with the baby..." She says and walks off... 

I look at the card... It is a business card but very... girly... I dont know if that is the right description. But it is not really business like... "Who still has business cards..." I mumble as i look at the white card with pink flowers and letters that says. Personal assistant to Chris Evans. I close the door and take a deep breath as a weird feeling starts to settle in. 

I try to shake the feeling off and walk to Faye and lift her of the bed and sigh holding her close... She calms down and i feed her... I sigh as my mind keeps going back to Chris his assistant. Her perkiness, the way she chirped and her overall appearance... "She didn't look very professional either..." I mumble to myself as i think back at her clothing choice. I sigh and shake my head telling myself to get a grip... After i am done feeding Faye i check her diaper and change her. 

I smile as i hold her up... "Mommy is going a little crazy..." I whisper and she smiles at me. "Do you like that..." I coo pulling a weird face and she smiles again letting out a giggle... A real giggle... I freeze... She has been smiling for a while now. But a giggle a real giggle that had never happened. I stand up and start to pace up and down. Chris would not want to miss this, but he is working... "Oh fuck it..." I mumble and walk out of the trailer to go and find Chris, to excited about this new development. 

I keep talking to Faye as i walk up to the set... She is giggling as i talk to her in a high-pitched voice and keep pulling funny faces... My heart is pounding in my chest as it is the best thing ever... She is waving her little arms around and giggling and i hope and pray that she keeps this up until we see Chris... I walk as fast as i can and walk onto the set. They are not filming and i stop walking looking around to see if i can find Chris...

I see him and smile wanting to walk up to him. But then i see her... His assistant she is giggling like a schoolgirl, and he is laughing back at her. Her hands on his arm before she reaches for his head wiping a lock of hair out of his face... The gesture is almost intimate... He seems not at all bothered as she is touching him. She looks at him with hearts in her eyes... Or maybe it is just my imagination... But i am frozen in place and can only watch as they both laugh at each other. I feel a pain in my chest and Faye stops giggling and puts her hands on my face... I look at her and force a smile... "I am sorry baby... Daddy is busy..." I whisper and walk off without letting Chris even know i was here... I hurry back to the trailer and close the door behind me locking it... I sit down on the couch shaking as i try to make sense of what i had just seen. 

I dont want to think the worst... But that was flirting... Wasn't it?  Or am i really going crazy... I look at Faye who is finding her feet really interesting and i smile but i feel a tear rolling down my cheek. I dont know what to make of this. I dont know how to react to this. I feel numb. I just sit there with Faye in my arms rocking her as she looks back at me... She is no longer giggling...

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