Chapter 27

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Chris pov...

"It is time sweetheart..." I whisper kissing Elle's temple... I am sitting on the bed with her in my lap. She has come out of her daze a little bit and is cuddled into me... She told me she feels foolish and scared...

Foolish for her dad having to point it out and thinking she might be pregnant... It was just not something on her mind... It never occurred to her that being pregnant might be the reason she was so tired. She feels scared because we have been together for just about 4 months and what must people think of her... Scared what i would think of her... But i assured her that it took two to make a baby... I know she was taking birth control... I have seen her take it so i never would think she did this on purpose... I said it was maybe even more my fault because i had this obsession...

But most off all she was scared because she never thought she would have a baby... A family... She just thought it would never happen for her which broke my heart a little... But i told her i felt the same... I thought the one thing i really wanted in life i might never get... A family of my own and that if she was pregnant i was going to be so happy...

"Okay..." She whispers and glides off my lap... She has a little smile on her face... Oh god what if she is not... We have been talking so much about when she is pregnant that we never talked about what if she is not... I take a deep breath... We will deal with that lets find out first...

I stand up and smile at her... "Whatever the result, know i love you so, so, so much..." I whisper and she blushes... "I love you to..." She says and i take a deep breath taking her hand and we both walk into the bathroom... "You check..." She says nudging me... "Are you sure?" I ask and she nods...

I take a deep breath and take the stick... "2 pink lines... 2 pink lines..." I say twice and she looks at me confused... "I forgot... Does that mean pregnant?" I say a little panicked... She takes the instructions and looks it up... All of a sudden, she slaps her hand in front of her mouth and tears spring in her eyes... "Are we pregnant?" I ask her and she lifts her head to look at me and with her hands still covering her mouth she nods... "We are going to have a baby?" I whisper in disbelief. She removes her hand from her mouth tears now running down her cheek but a little smile on her face... "We are going to have a baby..." She whispers...

"We are going to have a baby...!?" I say a little louder excitement setting in and she nods her smile growing wider... "Yes..." She says and i pick her up spinning her around making her squeal... "Chris stop! You are scrambling the baby..." She says joking, giggling and i grin and stop spinning before kissing her... I dont put her down and she wraps her legs around me before i carry her into the bedroom...

"Are you okay? Do you need anything? Are you hungry, thirsty? Do you feel sick, nauseous..." I say and she smiles and kisses me again... "I am okay just a little scared with a hint of shock maybe... All i need is you... Not hungry right now and not nauseous..." She whispers smiling and i blush... "Are you okay?" She asks and i smirk at her... "I am more than okay... I am over the moon..." I whisper and kiss her again before gently putting her down on the bed...

I smirk when Dodger immediately jumps on the bed and lays his head on her stomach looking up at me his tail wagging... "Good boy..." I say patting his head, his tail wagging even quicker... "He knew..." Elle whispers smiling while stroking his back... I nod and lay down next to her... "Yeah... It was the main reason your dad thought you were..." I mumble and i carefully lay my hand on her stomach... Dodger lifts his head and stands up licking my face... I chuckle as he jumps off the bed and walks out of the room as to give us some space or something... "I swear sometimes he seems so human..." I mumble watching him walk out and Elle giggles...

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