Chapter 76

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Chris pov...

I watch Elle walk off and groan... I was comfortable and happy we had cleared the air... We were just content in lying on the couch cuddling. I needed that... I needed to feel her. Have her smell surround me feel her body all over me... It just has been a long and uncomfortable day and all i wanted was to hold Elle and cuddle... I am taking a deep breath... I finally can relax. Everything is okay again or getting there. God i dont even want to think about what would happen if she would not believe me. If she would walk out of my life i think i would die... 

"NO!" I hear being yelled at the front door and i jump up... The 'No' Is scaring me as it is filled with fear and panic... "NO... YOU ARE NOT COMING IN" I hear Elle yell again with panic and fear in her voice... I rush to the front door and my heart sinks as i see the girl... She is standing outside while Elle is blocking the door... They haven't noticed me... Elle is focused on something in the girls hand her body is blocking it and i can't see what it is... 

I walk closer... "WHAT IS GOING ON!" I bellow and the girl looks up at me her face has this insane look on it... And then i see it... The gun... She is pointing the gun at Elle, and it is getting harder to breathe... My head is spinning... Elle is standing her ground a gun pointed at her and all i want is to step in front of her, i need to do something... She has the gun pointed at Elle and i need to get it off of her... But before i can even step closer the girl sees me... She looks at me and tilts her head, like something out of a horror movie... 

"Hello darling..." She says to me, and a grin appears on her face, and it makes me want to vomit. I feel sick and scared..."I am here darling... I am here too safe you... It is okay now... You are free..." She says and i look at her my eyes growing wide... This girl is mental... She turns her focus back on Elle. "Now move..." She growls but Elle shakes her head...  "No!" She says adamant to not let her in even with a gun pointed at her. 

"Elle... Just do as she says..." I whisper taking a few steps forward. My gut tells me she wants me, and Elle will be safe if i go with her... And i will... I will go with her if that means Elle is safe... "No..." Elle says and shakes her head again... "I will shoot you..." The girl growls... And i feel the blood drain from my face... I can't lose Elle... I can't let her hurt Elle... Faye needs her mother... I need Elle... I need to get between them somehow... I try to think of her name... God, why can't i remember the girl's name... "Elle..." I whisper but Elle shakes her head again... 

"If you shoot her i will never forgive you... You will never get what you want if you shoot her..." I say and Elle looks at me. I can see the fear in her eyes, but she is not moving... Why is she not moving... "Okay fine... I will let her live...But you have to go get our daughter and come with me... Then we can finally be our happy little family..." She says all smiles almost giggling... All of a sudden it sinks in why Elle is absolutely not moving. Why she is not giving in to the girl threatening her with the gun... She will not let her near Faye... She will do anything in her power to prevent her from getting to Faye...

"Chris... No..." Elle says her eyes pleading with me and i take a deep breath. The girl focuses on Elle again and i fumble with my phone that i had still in my pocket... I quickly glance at it and call 911... I just hope they can figure out where we are and what is going on... "Put the gun down first..." I say loudly hoping the operator will understand we need help... The girl shakes her head looking at me again... "No darling... I can't... She will never let you go if i do... She will never let us be happy... She will never accept that we belong together..." She says absolutely delirious looking at me with a crazy look... 

"I will go with you... But dont shoot Elle... and we are not taking the baby... The baby will only get in the way..." I say almost beggingly, and she looks at me angry ... "Yes, we are taking the baby..." She growls and then her eyes turn soft... "I could never take your baby away... I will raise her with you as if she is my own... I already thought of a new name for her... Christina..." She says her voice nauseatingly sweet... Elle still hasn't moved as i try to get closer... Elle is adamant... She will let her get to Faye over her dead body... "Please dont shoot her... If you shoot her, you will go to jail, and you never get what you want..." I say and the girl looks at me and then at Elle again... 

"See... He loves me... So just move... He wants me, not some poor waitress that is sponging off of him... If you dont move i will shoot you..." She says turning back to Elle as she presses the gun in Elle's stomach. Elle turns to me... A tear runs down her cheek now... "It is going to be okay sweetheart..." I whisper and Elle lets out a sob as her body is starting to shake... She is starting to lose it and i am to as all i want to do is is pull her in my arms and close the door... I want her safe... I just want the girl gone... I wish i had not let Elle get up... I wish we had just stayed cuddling on the couch happy and content... Why did i not go to the door... Why did i let her go...

"Dont... Please dont... Please... Please... I beg you dont hurt her... Please... I'll go with you but leave Elle and my little girl alone... Please... Please leave Elle and Faye alone" I beg her stepping closer as i can see her grip on the gun intensifying... Tears are now running down my cheek... She looks at me and her anger starts to get worse... "DONT FUCKING BEG FOR HER LIFE... SHE IS NOTHING... AND OUR DAUGHTERS NAME IS CHRISTINA!!!" She screams... 

All of a sudden, we hear sirens... I feel a little relief knowing help is on the way... But then the girl looks at me and i see she is starting to panic... Whereas time was creeping by at first, now it all goes in a flash... The girl looks over her shoulder as we all see the cop cars coming... She turns back to me... 

"You will thank me some day... You will forgive me... You love me... I am doing this to safe you..." She says smiling at me... A sickening smile... I have to act now, or this is not going to end well... I jump forward as a loud bang joins the sound of sirens... 

"Nooooooooo...." I hear and everything turns blurry...

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