Chapter 102 Epilogue

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I smile looking at Chris playing with Faye in the yard. It is a beautiful summer day... He had just come back from a few weeks of filming... Faye had missed him. She was now old enough to realize that daddy was gone from time to time and miss him... Oliver our little boy had just turned one... He was perfect just like his sister... We didn't go with Chris this time and it was hard staying home with our little one. It was just for 3 weeks, and Oliver was finally on a schedule and sleeping through the night. I didn't want to break that... Were Faye had been an easy baby Oliver had been not. The pregnancy had been easy, but the delivery was a rough one... He was not breathing for a second and it was the scariest thing ever... But now he is okay and happy and healthy... 

"Faye! Sweetheart... Can you give daddy his present..." I say smiling... I knew they needed some playtime first before she could focus her energy on giving him his present, she would be too hyper otherwise... "You got me a present?" Chris asks and Faye nods excitedly before running inside... Chris walks over to me leans down and kisses me... "What did you do?" He asks and i shrug my shoulders... 

Faye comes running back out... Her drawing in hand. She loves to draw so i thought it would be nice to announce we were having yet another baby by her drawing our family... Chris... me, her brother and the baby in my belly... 

"I made this for you daddy..." She chirps in her sweet angelic voice... Chris rolls out the paper getting down to her level... "Thank you sweetie... It is beautiful... Is that me?" He asks and she nods... "Then this must be your brother Oliver..." He says and again Faye nods giggling... "And that is mommy..." She squeals and Chris squints his eyes.... "Sweetheart... What is that...?" He says pointing to the stomach of the stick figure that is me... 

"My other brother or sister of course silly... The baby in mommy's belly..." She says as if he is crazy and he looks up at me and all i can do is smirk... "You are pregnant?" He asks looking at me in shock and i nod smirking... "Yes silly..." I say and he hugs Faye... "You are getting another brother or sister..." Chris says and she says... "I want a sister this time..." She says pouting and Chris chuckles... "We will see what we can do... No promises though..." He says standing up with Faye in his arms... He kisses me and i smile... "Surprise..." I whisper and he smirks... 


"Faye! Oliver! Alice! Let's go time for school!" I yell as i am cleaning up breakfast... I am breathing trying to swallow away the nausea... Our youngest has just turned 6... Oliver was 7 and Faye was 9... We had been trying for a fourth for years but no luck... But as i was nauseous for the 4th day in a row i was nervous... I think i might be pregnant.... We had already given up after 5 years of trying... We already had resolved in the fact that we had 3 and that was it... 

We were happy with 3 and i loved it... But it took some time and tears to accept that. Many tears were shed over negative pregnancy tests... We let it go... But now i was nervous... Chris walks in and i try to focus on my breathing... "You okay sweetheart?" He asks and i groan... "Can you take the kids to school today... I am not feeling so well. I dont want to drive like this..." I say and Chris looks at me worried... "Of course... Go lay down... I will check on you when i get back..." 

The kid run in and i kiss Chris his cheek... "Thanks handsome..." I whisper and he chuckles... "No need to thank me sweetheart... They are my babies to..." He says and i smile... "Dad! We are not babies..." Faye says pouting and Chris and i both chuckle... "Sorry sweetheart... Are you ready for school... I am taking you..." Chris says and the kid's cheer... 

"Have fun today... Be good..." I say to them giving them each a kiss on the head... I kiss Chris and say goodbye watching them walk out before walking to the bedroom... I smile as Tom is laying on the bed... Tom is our new dog... Dodger had passed a few years ago... The kids were inconsolable... A few months after his passing we decided we needed a new dog... The kids called him Tom... God knows why but that is what they wanted to name him... 

I doze off cuddled up to Tom... He was really my dog... He was always close to me... He loved the kids but as i was the one feeding him, he just gravitated to me... I doze off only to wake up by Chris running his hand through my hair... "You dont have a fever..." Chris says and i blush... "I dont think i am sick, sick..." I whisper and lean over to the nightstand pulling out a pregnancy test... "I think we have to take this one..." I say and his eyes grow wide... "You think you might be pregnant..." Chris whisper and i take a deep breath and nod... 

We take the test waiting the agonizing 3 minutes... When the timer dings, we look at the test and i look at Chris with tears in my eyes... "We are pregnant..." I whisper holding the stick up... We hug and both cry... Happy tears... After 5 years of trying, we are finally pregnant again...  


"Are you okay sweetheart..." Chris whispers his arm around me as he kisses the top of my head... I shake my head as tears run down my cheek... "I can't believe i am never seeing him again..." I whisper looking at the headstone they just placed on my dad's grave... "I know sweetheart... It is so surreal..." He mumbles and i nod... I look at my kids who are all putting flowers and little trinkets on his grave... Faye, Oliver and Alice understood what was going on... That their grandfather never would be back again, but Luke was only 3... He was helping his brother and sisters but had no clue what was going on... He just loved the pretty flowers... 

"Chris... Do you think they could move the tree to our yard..." I whisper and Chris takes in a sharp breath... "I dont know sweetheart... But i will ask..." He says and i let out a sigh... 

"Are you okay mom..." Faye says walking up to me and i smile and nod... "I will be sweetie... I will be..." I say wrapping her in my arms... "I really miss him..." She says and softly starts to sob... "I know baby... I do to..." I whisper and kiss her cheek...

"He loved you all so much..." I whisper and Faye pulls back and nods... "You to mom..." She says and we hug again... "You are such a good kid..." I mumble... 

As i am sitting on the porch that night i smile as i look at the stars... I feel thankful for my dad and for the time i had with him... I am thankful that he was such a big part of our lives... Chris joins me wrapping his arm around me... "The kids are all in bed..." He mumbles and i sigh cuddling into him. 

"Thank you..."  I whisper looking up at him... "For what sweetheart..." He asks and i smile... "For making me happy... Even in these difficult times you are my rock..." I whisper and he blushes... "Anything for you sweetheart..." He mumbles and i sigh as we sit there watching the stars... Life goes on and i will make my dad proud even if he was no longer here to see it... 

I was going to be happy... We are going to be happy... That is what my dad would want...

*** The end ***

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