Chapter 77

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Chris keeps pleading with her to let me go... That he will go with her, but to leave me and Faye alone... But she doesn't budge... She wants Chris and our little girl. It makes me sick when she tells she even has picked out a new name for Faye... Chris was now close as i was not moving... In my mind if i kept her out of the house it would be okay... If i kept her out of the house my little girl would be okay...

As soon as i saw her i knew we were in trouble... I tried to slam the door shut again but she stopped me by putting her foot in the door... She tried to barge in and even though she is bigger than me i managed to keep her out. But that is when she pulled out the gun... I screamed that she was not coming in as she ordered me to move waving the gun around... I dont know why she didn't shoot me right away... She said she was here to safe Chris and her daughter, which made me sick to my stomach. She kept referring to Faye as her daughter... She looked so evil... But as soon as Chris appeared her face lit up... He keeps pleading with her to no avail... The everything escalates...

"Noooooooo..." I scream as i see Chris jump... It is like time is standing still and everything is going in slow motion... A loud bang follows and i look at Chris... I look in shock as the smell of gunpowder mixed with blood fills the air... Chris sinks down to the floor and all i can do is scream... Scream loudly... Scream as i see his face contorts... "LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!!" I scream... 

Chris looks at me as he goes down, shock and fear on his face... My heart stops as i see him go pale... I drop myself next to him holding him pulling him in my lap... "Chris! Chris...!! Baby, look at me..." I say holding him as he lays in my arms i see the blood... I dont even pay attention to the girl anymore... 

"No baby dont do this to me...Come on baby please... Stay with me..." I plead as he closes his eyes... But as i plead with him, he opens them again... He smiles at me... He just fucking smiles... "Run... Go... You need to go..." He mumbles but i shake my head... "No... I am not leaving you..." And i start to cry even harder... "It will be okay... You and Faye will be okay..." He says as i feel him getting weaker in my arms..."No... No... Dont say that..." I cry at him tears streaming down my face... "It is okay sweetheart... You and Faye... You will be okay... You both will be taken care off..." He says and puts his hand on my face with the little bit of strength he still has... "Oh fuck off i dont care about that... We dont need that we need YOU..." I whisper pleading and kissing his cheek... 

"Please we need you..." I whisper... "Stay with us... Faye needs her daddy... We still need to get married... We still have a life to live together..." I whisper and he smiles... I am about to tell him how much i love him when the girl finally comes to her senses again as she had been watching us in shock... Shocked that Chris jumped in front of me. Shocked that instead of hitting her target she hit the one person she wanted... The one person she claimed she was saving... Maybe she is even shocked that Chris would do all that to save me... 

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!!" The girl starts screeching... "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" She screams as tears run down my cheek and i try to stop the bleeding... The girl is shaking her face radiates nothing but rage... I dont respond i just wait for the inevitable... I just know what is to come...

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" She screeches and lifts the gun again... I bend over Chris as i cry and beg for her to let us life to just leave... To not take Faye her parents away... "I love you..." I whisper to Chris before i look up and she is shaking. The is gun pointed at me as Chris softly pleads for me to run... But i can't... I can't leave him to die alone... I know it is selfish and i should want to life for Faye but not without him... I can't life without him... I can't look Faye in the eyes and tell her one day, that i left her father to die alone... I feel the gun being pressed against the back of my head... I feel the burn of the barrel as it is hot from the shot that hit Chris... I know this is it... I know this is my last moment...

"I love you..." I whisper to Chris... "I should have listened and not opened the door... I am so sorry... I love you so much..." I whisper kissing his face... He can barely keep his eyes open his face is white as a sheet... "I love..." He says as he starts coughing... "GET OFF OF HIM!! SO, I CAN KILL YOU!" The girl screeches and Chris clings onto me with his last bit of energy... "Dont..." He says his voice strained...

He doesn't let me go as if he knows she won't shoot as long as i am bend over him... She tries to pull me away, but Chris won't let me go... And i cling onto him back... She lets me go... "FINE!!! IF I CAN'T HAVE HIM...." She yells and i hear the click of the gun... "I love you..." I whisper pressing my lips on Chris's waiting for impact... Waiting for it to be over... My heart aches as i hear Faye screaming in the nursery down the hall... I know we will never see her again. Our little girl is crying out for us screaming her little lungs out... Screaming for her mom and dad who she will never see again. I know she will be taken good care off... The girls, our families will take good care of her... And although it hurts i will take solace in that... The police will be too late to save us... But i can hear the sirens get closer and doors slamming so i know my little girl will be okay...

I take a deep breath... This is it... *BANG*

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