Chapter 60

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"CHRIS!!!" I yell as i had opened the front door to a heavy breathing delivery guy... "Just a moment there is more..." He says and my eyes grow wide as i see lots of packages on the front step. I look at it and then at Faye in my arms... I had just fed her while Chris had been on the phone with God knows who... He had been on the phone all morning in meetings.

Yesterday we had the first checkup with Faye's pediatrician, and she was doing great. Happy and healthy. Getting a clean bill of health. It had been nerve wracking taking her outside for the first time though, i was a little on edge hoping we would not run into paparazzi. We were nervous enough and if they would had shown up it would only make it worse... Thank god nothing happened.

Overall, she is an easy baby, Eating and sleeping well. I guess the day i couldn't get her to quiet down she really picked up on my energy. I was doing much better to. After getting some much-needed rest i was loving mom life... I just can't keep my eyes off our little wonder...

"CHRIS!!" I yell again as i see the delivery guy roll up more packages... "What? Everything okay?" He asks as he is running in with a panic look on his face... "I dont know... Did you order... All this?" I say pointing outside and he opens the door further and looks just as confused as me... "No..." He whispers looking stunned...

"Mr. and Mrs. Evans... I need you to sign for a few packages..." He says pulling out his tablet... Chris signs for a few things as i step outside... "Cute baby..." The delivery guy says and i smile proudly at him... "Thank you..." I say and he smiles... Chris gives him a tip and the man leaves happy... We look around at all the boxes and i look if i can see who send them... There are packages big and small and i get curious...

"This one is from Robert..." I whisper in shock and i look at Chris who smiles... We had sent pictures to some friends of Chris... Telling them our little girl was here... The Avengers group chat... Seb and Mackie had gotten a lot of pictures. Ana, Ryan, Dwayne and many more... Chris his childhood friends had a big diaper cake with all sorts of toys and cute clothes delivered yesterday... It was so sweet...

My phone had been blown up by all the congratulations and well wishes... It had been a bit overwhelming to know so many people were happy for us...

Faye starts to fuss... "I am going to change her and take her to bed..." I say and Chris nods taking a deep breath... "I am going to take everything inside... I guess..." He says and i chuckle... I walk to the nursery and after changing Faye in her pj's i put Faye down for her nap and set up the baby monitor before walking back out...

Faye still slept in our room at night but during the day she sleeps in her own room... Unless we would take a nap ourselves, then she would sleep in our room... I walk out and smile as Dodger comes over for a cuddle and sneaks into the nursery laying down in front of the crib...

Chris is walking up and down between the front door and the living room bringing everything in. The rest of the afternoon is spend opening packages and sending thank you texts to the people who send them all... We laugh and have a blast opening them all... Some things are cute others are things we never thought off getting for our girl and some things are just hilarious. Especially the gift from Sebastian and Anthony... 2 stuffies with their faces on it... They are funny faces on the one side and them looking tough when they are on the others side... There is a note with it. "We will watch over you, your protective uncles." I think it is sweet, but Chris looks mortified... "She will have nightmares..." He mumbles and i giggle...

After cleaning everything up and putting it all away the stuffies having now a prominent place in the nursery we cuddle up on the couch... But i want affection so i crawl in his lap straddling him and he smiles... I cup his face with both hands and kiss him... He groans and i smirk as i feel something twitch underneath me... I am still a bit sore and definitely not healed yet. Sex is off the table for now and i know Chris must be frustrated... Hell even i am a little frustrated... Not that i want sex perse... But i just miss being that close to him... I miss the connection.

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