Chapter 79

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I am sitting in the family room of the surgical floor of the hospital... After Chris had been rolled into the emergency room it didn't take them long to bring him up and rolled him into surgery... I was told to wait here... They didn't tell me anything else... No updates... Nothing... They just left me here alone with my little girl... 

I am cold. I am sitting her all alone my mind is racing as i anxiously wait for any news... I hope for the best but prepare for the worst... Faye is sleeping in my arms as i had just fed her... She is the only thing keeping me together right now... I am bouncing my leg up and down... There is one other family sitting here... They are huddled together and i look at them... At least they have each other... I am alone with my little girl... 

I didn't even got to see Chris anymore and i am scared... I am so scared that i lost him... I feel a tear run down my cheek again. I look at my watch and see that i have been her for 2 hours now... I have been keeping it together so far clinging onto my little girl... The door opens and for a moment i think it is for me but the doctor walks to the other family... I think they are getting good news because they laugh and hug him. One of the women is crying and i take a deep breath... I hope that soon that will be me... That i will get good new to...

As the other family leaves probably to see their loved one another couple walks in... A man and a woman... But as soon as they did, a nurse rushes in and tries to usher them out again looking at me with sadness and a hint of panic in her eyes... The couple is confused as the nurse tells them they are in the wrong room... I sigh and ignore it... I think about Chris and wonder how he is doing... Is he still alive? 

I hear the couple start to protest... I hear them cry about their daughter and asking if she will survive if she can ever walk again... And it clicks... All of a sudden it clicks... She is here... The girl is here... They brought her to the same hospital... And that is her family... I look at them clutching onto my little girl... I am scared and angry... The woman looks at me and her eyes grow wide as she probably realizes who i am... "We are so sorry... She is not well..." She starts to sob and takes a step closer to me the nurse stepping between us. 

I lose it... The audacity of these people to think a simple apology will fix everything... That there is any excuse for what she did... "STOP YOUR FUCKING CRYING... YOU BETTER HOPE MY FIANCEE PULLS THROUGH... CRY FOR HIM... HE DESERVES YOUR TEARS... NOT THAT PIECE OF SHIT... I HOPE SHE FUCKING DIES... SHE SHOT HIM!!! SHE WANTED TO TAKE HIM AND MY BABY FROM ME!!! I HOPE SHE DIES AND I HOPE SHE IS IN PAIN WHILE DOING SO... SHE DOESNT DESERVE TO LIFE!!!" I scream and just as i am about to slap her face i feel two arms wrap around me... 

"Calm down Elle... Calm down momma... Think about your little girl..." I hear as a big body pulls me into him... I look up and Dwayne looks down at me holding me tight. I hadn't even noticed him come in... "We are so sorry..." The man says and ushers his wife out followed by the nurse...

"What are you doing here..." I whisper in a small voice when i finally calm down... "I thought you might need some company... You should not be alone right now..." He says and hugs me again and then i lose it and start sobbing clinging onto him my little girl pressed between us...  "She shot him..." I sob... "She shot him..." I say again and i can feel him take in a deep breath. "I know... But he is strong... He has something to fight for... He will fight to see you and Faye again..." Dwayne says and sits me down while sitting down next to me... 

"He jumped in front of me... Why did he do that..." I ask him as i try to pull myself together but failing... "Because he loves you and will do anything to protect you and your little girl..." Dwayne murmurs as he wraps an arm around my shoulders comforting me... I dont know how to react to that as guilt sets in... It should be me laying on that operating table...

"Have you already called people..." He whispers after a while and i shake my head... "Maybe it is better to do before it is all over the news..." He says and i start to sob again as i feel panic starting to set in... "I can't... I can't... His family will kill me... This is all my fault..." I whisper and he takes another deep breath... "It is not your fault..." He whispers. He takes my purse and pulls out my phone... Without a word he unlocks my phone by finding the right finger and i let him to exhausted and numb to protest...

"Megan... Dwayne Johnson speaking..." I hear him say... Faye starts to fuss and i put her against my chest trying to get her to settle... I hear Dwayne explain what had happened and to my surprise he knows a lot... He probably had a talk with the officers who brought Dodger to his place... They probably explained what had happened... After he hangs up, he puts my phone back in my purse... "Megan handles everything from now on. She will call everyone... All you have to do is focus on your little girl and Chris..." He says and wraps his arm around my shoulder again... "How is Dodger..." I whisper as i lean my head on his shoulder... "Playing with my girls... He is good... My wife is taking care of him... Dont worry he is in good hands... They will probably dress him up though..." He says and i smile a little but that smile quickly disappears as i think about Chris not being able to play dress up with our little girl... 

"He can't die... I can't lose him... Faye needs her daddy" I say looking at Dwayne and i start crying even harder making Faye cry to... Whatever i try i can't get her to calm down so Dwayne takes her from me... She calms down and i stand up and walk down shivering trying to get warm... Dwayne stands up and takes off his jacket putting it around my shoulders... He hugs me gently making sure not to squish Faye... "He is strong... He wants to see his little girl grow up... He will fight... He will fight to come back to you... You will have a beautiful wedding and grow old and grey together with many more beautiful babies..." He says and i let out a big sigh...

Then a door swings open and a doctor appears pulling of his cap... I let go of Dwayne and look at the doctor... "Is he alive" I ask him anxiously in squeaky voice...

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