Chapter 57

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The contraction are getting more frequent. I am tired already as i didn't get much rest. I tried i really tried to get some rest, but the contractions were not letting me. Chris was sitting next to bed again. The doctor had checked 5 minutes ago and still i was not ready to give birth... Well, my body wasn't, my mind was screaming to get this baby out of me as we are already here for over 8 hours...

"Do you need some water? More ice chips..." Chris whispers looking at me worried... The contraction died down and i forced a smile at him putting my hand on his face. "Some ice would nice..." I whisper and chuckle... "That rhymes'..." I mumble and he chuckles to...

He gives me some ice chips and kisses my forehead. "You are doing so good sweetheart..." He whispers and i hum. "I am just so ready to start pushing... I want her out..." I say as another contraction comes and without hesitating Chris pushes the button...

The doctor and nurse walk in... "She says she is ready..." He says and i chuckle as i know damn well that is not what i meant. The doctor nods and checks... "Good call momma..." He says and i am shocked... The nurse walks out and comes back with some more people to take our little girl the moment she is born to see if she is happy and healthy...

I can't remember all their names anymore as the nurse had introduced them earlier. But it is time to push, and Chris stands up taking my hand while he dabs my forehead with a damp cloth. "You got this sweetheart... You are so strong..." He whispers kissing my forehead and the doctor tells me to push... I push as hard as i can and fuck it hurts... I drop myself back in the bed and Chris dabs my forehead again... I am breathing heavy already. After what feels like hours, he says i have to push again... "I know asshole... I can feel it..." I groan and i slap my hand in front of my mouth as i am shocked by my own words... "I am sorry... I am so sorry..." I whine and the doctor looks up, probably because he hears the panic in my voice... "It is okay, call me anything you want if it helps. I've got thick skin..." He says and i push... I squeeze Chris his hand tight and if it hurts, he does not show it...

"You are doing so good sweetheart..." Chris says again... "Oh shut up, what do you know..." I growl and push... and push... When i have to stop pushing i drop myself back in the bed... "I am sorry... I dont know where that is coming from..." I say catching my breath sweat trickling down my forehead which Chris dabs away... "It is okay... I also have thick skin..." He whispers smiling at me...

After pushing for a while, i am tired... I dont know how long i can take this anymore... I have cursed out Chris and the doctor... I wished i had gone for a c-section although i know it brings its own challenges... But it hurts and i am so tired. It feels like all the sleep deprivation of the last weeks hits me at once... The doctor looks up again... "Okay Elle... I know you are tired in pain and uncomfortable. But this is it... Just one more push..." He says and i look at Chris who kisses me... "You got this sweetheart... Just one more push..." He says and i start to cry... "I can't... I really can't... I am so tired..." I whisper and he kisses me again... "You can sweetheart... You are so strong... One more push and you can hold our little girl..." He says and i nod...

"Okay Elle... Push..." The doctor says and i push with everything i got... And then there it is... The most beautiful sound i have ever heard... Crying... Our little girl screaming her lungs out which makes me cry and drop myself back in the bed... "You did it sweetheart... Our little girl is here..." Chris whispers with tears in his eyes as he kisses me...

Everything is in a daze as the put our little girl on my stomach... I cry and laugh and feel all sorts of emotions at seeing the teeny tiny baby on my chest... "Hey little girl... I am your mommy..." I coo and Chris keeps kissing my forehead murmuring that i did it... And when i glance up i see he is crying to... "She is here... Our little girl is here..." I whisper and he nods... "Hey little girl... I am you dad... I already love you so much..." He whispers... "She is perfect sweetheart, just like... You did so good..." He says wiping his tears away and we cry together looking at the little human on my chest. We are both totally caught up in her and i smile... "She really is perfect..." I whisper...

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