Chapter 64

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The appointment with the wedding coordinator/planner has gone great... Chris had been talking about his privacy and security concerns first... Which i understood but it was boring and i was zoning out. I was thinking about my dress. My beautiful dress and now that Chris and i had talked i was feeling much more confident about my vision for our special day... I was still a bit worried about Lisa, but Chris had assured me that it would be okay... It was our day, and it was going to be how we wanted it...

After almost 3 hours she had some idea of what we wanted and was going to line up some venues for us... Faye had woken up in the meantime and she was just cooing in my arm as we were talking wedding stuff. We had told Laura we wanted a wedding where people would have fun so with games for the guests who didn't really like dancing... We were going to have appointments with caterers, photographers, flower shops, bakeries and looking at venues... And God knows what else needs to be done...

She also made us think on who was going to do the ceremony and i had a choice to make... Letting Chris see me for the first time as i walk down the aisle... Or do a first look... I had no idea what i wanted on that front... Something private sounded nice but the dramatic first look while walking down the aisle was the traditional thing to do...

But we already made a few decisions... Wedding invitations and a bridal party... We picked out a beautiful wedding invitation... Our homework was making a guest list and as soon as we find a venue, they can go out with the correct date... We had been a bit hasty in picking a date... We have to find a venue first and then see when there is an available date... Chris and i decided to have a dinner soon and ask the people we want to be in our bridal party... For me Skyler, Eve and Mary... For Chris, Scott, Anthony and Sebastian.... There is so much to do for the wedding but i feel confident with Laura helping us it will be okay...

While Chris is showing Laura out i sit down and smile at Faye as she is laying against my legs as i have them propped up... She is stretching her little arms and legs and smiles at me as i coo to her... "Yes, mommy and daddy are getting married..." I coo and she smiles... "You like that.... You want to be our little flower girl..." I coo and she smiles again... "I dont think she will be able to walk by then sweetheart..." Chris says smirking as he appears and sits down next to me... "No, you won't because you are going to stay a baby forever... You are not allowed to grow up..." He coos at her, and she gives him a big smile back...

I chuckle and shake my head... "Good luck with that... I will remind you of that when we help her plan her wedding..." I whisper and he groans... "No... No man or woman will ever be good enough..." He says and i smirk... "Daddy is going crazy..." I coo and get rewarded by a big smile... "Isn't it magical when she smiles..." I whisper and Chris kisses my temple... "Yes... Because she has your smile..." He murmurs and i giggle...

"We could ask one of your sisters or Tara to walk her down the aisle..." I whisper and Chris smiles... "That is a great idea..." He murmurs and i smile... "I already know what i want her to wear..." I whisper and Chris smiles... "Oh yeah and what is that...?" He asks and i giggle... "I am not telling, you will see... But i think with the fabric that comes off my dress with the alterations i want you to have a pocket square of it and Faye a bow..." I whisper and Chris smiles...

"You are really not going to tell me about your dress? Not even a little thing?" He asks and i smirk... "It is white..." I whisper and he rolls his eyes... "Do you want plated meals or do something different..." I ask and he looks at me... "Something else?" He asks and i nod... "You could do buffet style or food trucks... So, people have choices..." I say and he smiles... "That sounds fun... But not really classy..." He says and i shrug my shoulders. "I think i like the plated meals more... There can be speeches and such during dinner... Everyone is sitting down and not walking around and for the kids we can do a taco truck... I was thinking we could hire babysitters to entertain the kids so the parents could have fun to..." He says and i smile... "Okay...adults get fancy... Kids get fun..." I say and Chris smiles...

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