Chapter 86

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I let out a sigh of relief as the plane comes into view... The journey here was harrowing. We barely got out of the hospital safely as it was a mad house with press and fans. Somehow it had leaked when Chris would be leaving the hospital. It took all the hospital security to get us to the car save. We then got followed all the way to the entrance of the air strip and it was scary. But we made it to the air strip, and they could not follow us here. But i just hoped that in Boston it would be different. The last thing we needed was this circus outside of our house as we tried to recover from everything, and we just wanted to go back to normal. Whatever that is... Sometimes i think my life would never ever be normal again...

Dad and Lisa are already here and on the plane. Some people are loading our stuff that they had gathered at the house on the plane... "Are you okay baby?" I ask as Chris shifts and lets out a sigh... "Yes, sweetheart..." He says smiling at me... "Just happy and anxious to go home..." He says and i smile at him.  "Are you in pain Mr. Evans?" The paramedic that will travel with us asks and he shakes his head... "Not more than earlier..." He mumbles and takes a deep breath. "No need to ask every time i move... If i need you i will let you know..." He says annoyed and the man nods. "Chris be nice... He is just doing his job..." I say and he sighs... "Sorry... Just had enough of people all in my business..." He says and i roll my eyes. The paramedic chuckles... "I understand... As long as you tell me when it gets too much, and you need something..." He says and Chris nods...

The car stops and my door opens and i step out with Faye in my arms... Then i see Dwayne with Dodger walking out and i smile... Chris is being helped out the car by the paramedic... "Look..." I say smiling at him and Dodger starts excitedly to pull on his leash. Chris gets the biggest smile on his face... Dwayne walks up to us but tries to keep Dodger calm... "Hey bud..." Chris says and i hold my breath when he gets down to his level ignoring his pain and i sigh... He is going to be the death of me as he keeps pushing boundaries and ignoring his own wellbeing...

But seeing him so happy to see Dodger and Dodger being so happy to see him makes it a little tolerable and keeps me from scolding him to be careful. Dodger calms down as he seems to notice he is in pain... I smile as he is always so intuitive and mindful of someone's physical and mental state... 

When Chris stands back up his face is riddled with pain. I hold my breath again as he seems to be in pain but ignores it. I know that the upcoming weeks going to be a challenge... The doctor had said to take it easy and to get as much rest as possible but i am wondering if he will... 

I walk up to them, and Dodger wags his tail seeing me and i give him some pats before he sits down next to Chris again and i chuckle... Chris just smirks at me... "Dont get used to it baby... As soon as you are better Faye is his number one priority again..." I say smirking back at him and he chuckles... I hug Dwayne who takes Faye from me to say goodbye... The movie has been put on hold for a while until Chris is a 100% again. Chris had suggested them to get another actor for his role seeing as he had been just filming for one day but they didn't want to, so it got put on hold. 

When we finally walk up the stairs and into the plane i look back. I take a deep sigh as i am so ready to go home. I wave at Dwayne and smile... I walk inside and the crew closes the door behind me... I hand Faye to my dad and put Dodger in his crate for take-off... I take Faye back and sit down next to Chris... I look at my dad who looks around and i can see he is feeling out of place. I chuckle because if you told either one of us a few years ago that we would be flying private the both of us would have laughed in your face, telling you are crazy... But right now, at this moment i was thankful that we were... 

I dont mind flying commercial but not now... The last thing i want right now is people staring and disturbing us. And Chris is being much more comfortable like this. The paramedic sits in the back reading a book. He is just sitting out his time until he is needed, or we land in Boston. I lean my head on Chris his shoulder. I smile as i feel him kiss the top of my head. Faye does not seem bothered when the plane starts moving. She is asleep on my chest. I think she is ready to go home to. I just can't wait to be alone with Chris, Faye and Dodger to just relax and heal... To sleep in our own bed and just the comfort of our own home... The peace and quiet we manage to create in our little sanctuary.

When we are up in the air i let Dodger out of his crate and he lays on the seat opposite of Chris and i... He goes to sleep. He is used to flying and not bothered at all. He had a tiring time to as Dwayne's girls loved him and were playing with him constantly, dressing him up and what not... He is not used to that. He is used to the easy live with me, Chris and a baby who does not do much yet... 

The flight is silent as we are all just tired and talked out. Chris is playing with my hair and it feels nice... I am just so exhausted that soon i am dozing off...

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