Chapter 59

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Chris pov...

As i tucked Elle in i kiss her forehead... She was asleep in my arms before i even reached the bedroom. I hate that she thinks Faye hates her. I know she doesn't... She probably just picked up on her mommy's discomfort... I made Elle promise to wake me the next time. As sweet as it was that she let me sleep i just want to help. Not only to spend time with Faye but to help Elle... She could sleep through feeding her as i helped her making sure Faye ate and all she had to do was getting her to latch on... I walk to the nursery and grab the feeding pillow... I will make sure to use it so she can be comfortable...

I will do everything in my power to make her feel better because it broke my heart seeing her so distraught. I look in the crib where our little girl is peacefully sleeping. She was also exhausted from crying... I dont want to leave and i think of what to do. I wonder if it is smart to have Dodger back right now but knowing that Elle misses him, and he will be a comfort to her I text David. I ask him if he can bring him by around dinner time... I first want Elle to sleep.

I dont tell him about Elle's little breakdown when he asks how everything is going as i dont know Elle would want me to... We send ma and him pictures during the day to keep them up to date a little but i start to wonder if Elle would benefit from having her dad over, or maybe even my mom to have someone around who has done this before... But i push it away as she really wanted some alone time with just us... I just tell him Elle misses Dodger. That we both miss Dodger and just want him home. He tells me to text when we are ready for him to bring him over.

I sit on the bed and watch Elle sleep... She is out like a light totally out of this world... I wonder if i should ask her to pump so i didn't have to wake her and could bottle feed Faye when she is sleeping. But i dont want her to give up at the first hurdle, i want to be supportive. Elle really wanted to breastfeed. At least the first few weeks and she talked about pumping later down the road. I know she is just tired and had barely eaten anything. I just have to make sure she takes care of herself to...

I take a book to read but after 3 pages Faye starts to cry... I put the book away as Elle starts to stir... I quickly take Faye out of the crib deciding to check her diaper and such first... "Ah a poopy diaper..." I coo at her as she is laying on the changing table... I know it is weird but everything my little girl does is amazing. Even pooping... I clean her and change her diaper before changing her... I smile as i watch her... The brightest blue eyes look around as she gurgles flexing her arms and legs... I pick her up and lay her against my chest after kissing her cheek...

"Can you do me a favor princess... Can you be sweet for your mommy...? She loves you so much but is so tired..." I whisper and kiss her cheek again... She starts to fuss and i know i can't postpone it anymore... I walk into our bedroom and sit down next to Elle who is still sleeping... "Sweetheart... You need to wake up for a second and sit up..." I whisper gently shaking Elle... She groans but as Faye makes a little sound, she opens her eyes and pushes herself up...

I take the pillow and put it so she can rest her arms on it... She is barely awake as i lay Faye in her arms and she moves her so she can eat... I help her a little... Making sure Faye gets to eat while Elle doesn't have to wake up too much.

After she stopped eating i took Faye and kissed Elle... "Go back to sleep sweetheart... I got this..." I whisper and Elle does not protest as she slides down again and is asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow... I walk out and go to the nursery. I burp Faye before grabbing a book and sitting down in the rocking chair... I start to read to Faye who yawns making me smile. It is the cutest thing ever... Faye is just like her mother the cutest little being ever... She has her mother's nose something tells me she will be a copy of her mother with my eyes...

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