Chapter 40

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Chris pov...

I chuckle as Elle is dragging me through the door of the garden center. Dodger is prancing alongside of her... "I'll go get a cart..." I say and she has the biggest smile on her face and nods... I walk off and grab a cart and when i get back to where i left Elle and Dodger she has already moved on... I can see her walk up and down between all the plants talking to Dodger holding them up one by one showing them to him... She is going to be an amazing mother... I just know it...

I join them and she now shows me and Dodger asking for my opinions and telling me where she would put them... I love hearing her talk like this so passionate and happy totally in her element. I would by her the whole store and turn our house in a jungle if that makes her happy and somewhere deep inside i have the feeling that that is going to happen... She puts plants for the bathroom and bedrooms in the cart and i chuckle when she looks at this massive plant... "That would look great in front of the bedroom window..." She says and i smirk... "Okay..." I say and her face lights up... "I'll go find someone to put it aside for us..." I say and she smiles doing a little happy dance and kisses me... I came prepared this time and we drove here in my truck so i could take everything home with us immediately.

When i get back to her the cart is getting full and i chuckle as she is running around all happy. For the first time she is not thinking about money and just gets what she wants, and it is a good feeling... I love that i have someone to spoil and spend money on... I can't wait to spoil our baby. "What do you think about this one..." Elle says holding up a plant with pink and green leaves... I smile and nod...

"Can i pet the doggy?" We hear all of a sudden and a little girl appears out of nowhere and Elle smiles and gets down to her level immediately... "Sure but we have to be gentle..." She says and Elle tells Dodger to sit... I watch it, my heart feels like it is bursting seeing her interact with this little girl... I imagine her with our kid playing with Dodger or teaching them about her plants...

"What is his name?" The girl asks and Elle chuckles... "His name is Dodger..." She says and the girl giggles... "Hello Dodger..." She says stroking his head and he wags his tail still patiently sitting down... "He is so sweet..." The girl squeals and i chuckle as Elle nods... "He is a good boy..." Elle says and strokes his head to while Dodger is in heaven with all the attention...

"Stacy!!!" We hear a panicked voice yell and i look around to a woman looking around... I wave and point and i get the usual reaction eyes wide and the woman rushes over visibly relieved seeing her little girl petting Dodger... "I am so sorry..."The mom says, and Elle stands up. "That is okay... She wanted to pet the dog... She is very sweet with him..." Elle says smiling and the woman smiles back at her... "She hasn't been bothering you i hope..." The woman says and Elle and i both shake our heads...

After a little talk with the mom and letting her daughter take a picture with Dodger we continue and i can't help but have this warm fuzzy feeling inside as Elle was amazing with the little girl... She has the biggest smile on her face and after yesterday i am just so happy that she is smiling and being her bubbly self again...

That is until her phone rings, and she looks at the screen. Her face goes white... She just stares at her phone and doesn't resist as i pull it out of her hands and decline the call putting it on silent before putting it in my pocket... "She is not going to give up, is she..." Elle whispers looking at me a little sad the bubbly girl gone and i sigh... "Let's go change your number after this..." I say and she sighs and nods...

The rest of the time spend at the store Elle tries to shake it off, but the glee is gone... My sweet, gorgeous fiancé has lost the joy she had earlier, and it breaks my heart... I make a note to call a lawyer as soon as we come home to see what we can do about this... "Can we just go home..." Elle whispers as we are not even halfway through the store and i nod...

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