Chapter 83

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I smile as they move Chris to a regular room... He is allowed out of the ICU... He has been here a week since waking up and 4 days before that... I follow behind with Lisa and my dad who are here to. I sigh as everyone looks at us... Dad wraps his arm around me trying to shield me. The nurses have tried their best to keep Chris shielded as much as possible from prying eyes by covering him with a sheet and it would be comical if it was not desperately needed. I am so thankful that he is getting a private room... 

I am carrying Faye who Lisa and my dad brought along as Chris was dying to see her... We both are and i was holding her close to my chest... A lot has happened in the last week. The most important thing that Chris was slowly getting better every day. He was getting restless from lying in the hospital bed all day. I never been so happy to hear him act like a toddler who didn't get his way. I didn't mind, it meant he was getting better. He wanted to go home so bad but was not allowed yet... They are still monitoring him and doing tests to see the extend of the damage... I was trying to keep him distracted as much as possible by just talking about random things... Nothing about what happened but just positive things to keep his spirits up. Or maybe that was just for me as i just wanted to forget it all... Maybe not the healthiest thing to do but that is how i survived right now...

The doctor told us he had been lucky... I had wanted to kill the doctor who said he had been lucky... In what world is getting shot being lucky... But when he saw my face, he explained that the bullet had missed all the major organs and only caused some internal bleeding... Still i wanted to shoot the man myself and ask him if he felt lucky yet... 

Police had stopped by and talked to Chris to... And the biggest change was that the girl was taken into custody... Her injury was not as extensive as Chris's... She was led away kicking and screaming like a mad woman... I had no sympathy whatsoever... I hoped she would rot in jail... Her parents had tried to come into Chris his hospital room begging for mercy for their daughter but i had kicked them out before they got pulled away by security. The police had sternly spoken to them... They told them that if they did that again they would get arrested for interfering with a police investigation and obstruction of justice... It had caused a scene but i didn't care... The audacity of these people was incredible... 

Maybe they were right, and the girl was sick. But she shot Chris and i just wanted her and her family to disappear out of our lives... I just wanted her in jail unable to ever hurt us again. We knew her lawyer was planning on going for the insanity defense and in the back of my mind i knew it was a possibility she would not go to jail... A big possibility... I was scared what would happen if that was the case... I tried to not think about it as it would drive me crazy. What also had me worried was the trial... It would be a circus... We were asked to think about the possibility of making a deal... To have it be handled as quick as possible...

Over the last few days i found out what was going on behind the scenes and it was an absolute mad house. The well wishes were pouring in... His fans were very active on Twitter praying for him wishing us well...  We had to put out a statement as the chatter started to get more malicious, and the rumor he was dead started to get footing as we stayed silent... 

We thanked everyone for their well wishes told them that Chris was very much alive and getting stronger every day... That we just wanted time to deal with this as a family. No details as we couldn't, due to the investigation and trial still to come. There is police outside the hospital as fans had gathered and even a few had tried to get to his room... Despite the few crazies it has been touching to see them outside with signs and candles... I had taken pictures of it to show Chris and he had thanked them all via Twitter... It had been his first personal contact to the outside world... Fans seemed to be relieved. 

I watch as the nurses install Chris in his room as he is smiling at me... I smile back as i kiss Faye's little head... Chris was anxious to hold her. So, when the nurses left, he stretched out his arms like a toddler reaching for his favorite toy... I chuckled and walked over to him and kissed him... Chris had always been very touchy feely but now even more... I carefully put Faye in his arms, and he winced a little bit as he was still in pain but i could see him ignoring it... Which made me let out a sigh... But he winks at me and i chuckle... I smile looking at Lisa who is tearing up and i walk over to her and hug her as she sobs again... 

We cried together as we are both just so happy to see him hold Faye who smiles at him, and he just coos back at her while kissing her little hands... She seems to be happy to be in her father's arms again and began to squeal and we all laugh... But when a tear runs down Chris his cheek i let Lisa go and carefully sit down next to him and wrap him in my arms... He starts to cry and i let him while comforting him... I think holding his little girl made him realize how close he came to never being able to do this again... 

"How long do i have to stay here?" He whispers and i sigh... "I dont know baby..." I murmur kissing the top of his head and he sighs... "I just want to go home... Lay in bed with you and just be the 3 of us..." He mumbles and i sigh and kiss the top of his head again as i run my hands through his hair... "I know... I know... Just a little bit more patience, baby..." I whisper and he groans... 

"Lisa, why dont we go and get a cup of coffee and let them have a little moment..." My dad says and i look at him smiling feeling so grateful for him. He really has been our rock in all of this. Lisa had become a bit overbearing, which was understandable her baby was in the hospital and hurt. But i could see that even with Chris being a mommy's boy he was wanting some alone time with me and Faye... Over the last 11 days people kept walking in and out the hospital room and it was getting to him... The first 4 he was unconscious but now that he was awake it was starting to get on his nerves... I could see that. Chris could be really social but just like me he needed to retreat every now and then. 

Lisa hesitated for a minute, but dad managed to convince her and when they had left the room Chris let out a massive sigh... "What is wrong?" I whisper and he leans into me... "I love my mother... I really do but she is driving me crazy..." He mumbles and i giggle... "She is just anxious... You are her baby no matter how old you are and she almost lost you... Parents aren't supposed to survive their kids..." I mumble and he lets out a deep breath... "I know... I know... But i just wanted some time with you and Faye..." He mumbles and that makes me smile... 

"Can't you just take me home...?" He whispers looking up at me with puppy eyes... I cup his face with both hands...I press my lips on his and press my forehead against his as we pull apart... "You want to go back to that place?" I ask and he shakes his head... "Oh no... Not for a second... We are going home-home..." He mumbles and i smile as that sounds like music in my ears... I haven't been back in the house yet either... I refuse to leave Chris his side no matter what anyone said... I felt like i should be here until he would leave the hospital. I felt like it was my job to protect him now. He was the one being vulnerable now and it was my job to watch over him. 

I kiss him again. "As soon as you are allowed to get out of here... As soon as you get the green light i will take you home-home..." I whisper and he smiles kissing me again... "You are going to get so spoiled..." I whisper in his ear, and he groans... He turns his focus back on Faye who had fallen asleep in her daddy's arms... The way he looks at Faye only makes me love him more... "I love you so much Chris..." I whisper and he looks up at me... "I love you to sweetheart... Now kiss me again before we get interrupted again..." He says and i giggle and kiss him again. 

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