Chapter 33

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I look down the pathway as i see Scott appear and he is smiling and steps aside... My eyes grow wide... "Mary..." I whisper shocked and i look at Chris who smiles at me... "I thought you would like her here, seeing as we are here thanks to her... And i know you miss her..." He says kissing my temple and i look back at Mary... She has a big grin on her face... "Go..." Chris says nudging me and taking Dodgers leash from me... I smirk and run over to her... I pass Scott who laughs making his way to Chris...

We both squeal hugging... "Omg you are so tan...!" I squeal and she laughs... "Yeah, well the sun in Australia will do that to you..." She says and i hug her again. "You look good girly..." She says as she holds me at arm's length looking me all over... I blush... "You look good to... Traveling the world suits you..." I say and she smiles... "Yeah i really love it..." She says before she takes my hand and smiles...

"It was my mother's... Dad gave it to him." I say blushing and she grins... "Your dad approves... That is huge..." She says and we both giggle. "But seriously... You look good... Happy... You have a... Glow..." She says and i smile... "I am very happy, and it is all thanks to you..." I say and hug her again...

"Oh nonsense... All i did was hand him a phone..." She says and i chuckle... "And slip him my phone number..." I say smirking and she grins... "Okay fine... You will be forever in my debt..." She says snickering and i laugh. "I demand your first born to be named after me..." She says in a dramatic fashion and i turn bright red... "Elle..." She says looking at me intently raising an eyebrow and i look away... "Girly... Is there something you want to tell me..." She says again watching me as i turn even more red... "OMG!" She all of a sudden, squeals and hugs me again...

"You dont waste any time do you, Evans..." She yells over my shoulder. I can hear both Scott and Chris chuckle and they walk over to us... "Now give me a proper hug... This time i know your girlfriend is not staring daggers in my back..." She says jokingly and Chris chuckles and hugs her... "Thank you..." I hear him whisper to her and she lets him go and smirks...

"You're welcome... You look much happier... More relaxed... You were so on edge... Like you had a stick up your ass." She says smiling and Chris blushes... One thing about Mary... She says what she is thinking... I step beside Chris, and he wraps his arm around my shoulder tucking me into his side before kissing the top of my head... "I knew Elle was a better match for you..." She says proudly smirking and Scott chuckles as Chris and i know both blush...

"Oh, before we forget. We need to take a picture of you two for ma and Elle's father." Scott says smiling and Chris and i post... I smile as i put my hand on his chest so that the ring is visible and look up at him... Mary and Scott take pictures and Chris smiles looking at me... He leans in and kisses me... "Love you future Mrs. Evans..." He says smirking and i blush... "Love you to Mr. Evans..." I say and he kisses me again... "Okay now one with Dodger to..." Scott says and hands Chris the leash but Dodger sits down beside me and Chris grins and hands me the leash...

"Are you back at Hartford...?" I ask Mary as we walk out the conservatory Chris his hand wrapped around mine... Dodger walking next to me... Mary shakes her head... "No... Your fiancé flew me in for a few days from Australia..." She says smiling and i look at Chris who is just smiling... "Fiancé..." I whisper and Chris smirks... I poke him and he chuckles... "Still here sweetheart..." He murmurs in my ear before kissing my temple...

"So, when are you coming back?" I ask her and she blushes... "Uhm... I am not... I love Australia... I found a job there and i am moving there permanently..." She says and a wave of mixed emotions washes over me... "Permanently?" I say shocked and she nods...

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