Chapter 49

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Chris pov...

We are both nervous wrecks as the doctor is doing his thing... I hate that Elle had been so scared and i had not noticed... I am angry with myself that i had not noticed. I see her every day and every day she had been smiling as far as i know. I wished she would have told me because i would have taken her to the doctor a lot earlier... I dont care if we had to go to a doctor every day. If it would have eased her mind it would be worth it. We were going to have a talk when we got back home as i want her to feel like she can come to me with every little fear... I need her to know that... She shouldn't be scared alone...

I look at Elle whose face is focused on the screen... She is so beautiful even when she is scared and i am thankful that the doctor immediately wants to reassure her... I am also happy that i arranged for this being a 4d ultrasound so we could see our baby... Our baby that must be okay... But the longer we sit here in silence as the doctor does his thing the more anxious i get myself... What if she is right and there is something wrong... I take Elle's hand in mine holding on for dear life wanting the connection for whatever we are about to see...

And then in 4d our baby appears... It is like a magic moment seeing our baby. It hits me like a ton of bricks because it actually looks like a baby... Where the previous ultrasounds were the standard black and white ultrasounds. Where you could make out a shape of something looking human there is now a teeny tiny baby appearing on the screen... You can see eyes and a mouth... A little nose... I tear up seeing our little one... The little hands moving... The baby is moving... Thank God everything seems okay... I think...

"There is you baby..." The doctor said looking at us smiling... I kiss Elle's hand that i was clutching... He is quiets for some time as we all look at our baby moving on the screen... "See she is moving and sucking on her thumb happy like a clam..." The doctor said... We are stunned looking at him as he smirks at us...

"Sh-she... It's a, she?" I say clearing my throat as i barely can speak... "It is a girl?" Elle whispers and the doctor smirks... "Yes... You are having a happy healthy girl..." The doctor says pointing at the screen... I look at Elle who has tears in her eyes her free hand over her mouth... "A girl..." I say to her smiling, and she chuckles as tears run down her face... "You were right..." She says as i still look at the screen... I look at our little girl... A girl just like in my dreams... "I was right..." I mumble in awe as i just couldn't believe it...

I smile and kiss Elle's hand again... "A girl... A mini you..." I say and Elle giggles as she still looks at the screen... At our little girl... "She is beautiful..." Elle whispers and i smile... "Just like her mother..." I murmur and Elle chuckles and gives me a nudge. "Charmer..." She mumbles and i chuckle, so does the doctor... We just look at the screen in awe of our little girl... "Look 10 fingers, 10 toes..." The doctor says and we both smile from ear to ear... "She looks happy and content inside mommy's belly, nothing to be worried about." The doctor said and Elle let out a sigh of relief.

The doctor let us watch her a little longer as he pointed some things out... "She has your nose..." I mumble kissing Elle's hand again... Elle giggles as we watch our little girl suck on her fingers... "She is perfect..." Elle whispers and i nod as i absolutely agree...

When the doctor is done, he gives us a copy of the ultrasound video on a thumb drive. He cleans Elle's belly and does an exam and makes some notes. "Everything looks good Elle... There is nothing to be worried about. Just call me whenever you are scared or think something is off. There is no shame in it. This is your first baby. Everything is new but trust me you will feel your baby kick soon enough and at the end you will wish she would stop... Dont get to hung up on the things the books say... Again, if you are not sure about something or have questions dont hesitate to call..." The doctor says and she nods... "I just didn't want people to think i was crazy..." Elle says and i take a deep breath...

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