Chapter 56

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"I made a reservation under Evans... Party of 6..." I say to the hostess with Elle on my arm... "Certainly Mr. Evans..." She says all chirpy and smiles before looking Elle up and down rolling her eyes the smile gone. Elle is rubbing her belly with her free hand and i feel annoyed already by the way the woman is looking at Elle. I dont recognize her and i think she must be new here...

I look at Seb and Mackie who both roll their eyes knowing exactly what i am thinking while Elle seems oblivious. She is naming all the kinds of pasta's they have here to Eve while Skyler gives the hostess a dirty look knowing damn well what is going on... We get lead to a table and i pull out Elle's chair and sit down beside her while Seb pulls out Eve's chair. Mackie does the same for Skyler before they both sit down.

A waiter comes to the table and smiles and i let out a sigh of relief that it is not the hostess as i know that sometimes the hostesses of this restaurant like to serve some guests to give them a bit more attention than a normal server can. Out of the corner of my eye i see the owner, and he gives me a nod and i nod back.

"Can you i get you something to drink?" The waiter asks and Seb and Mackie order beers. Skyler and Eve a glass of wine, Elle orders a ginger ale and i order a bottle of water for the table with a ginger ale for myself to. He writes it down and hands us a menu... Elle smiles wriggling in her seat and i put my hand on her thigh giving her a little squeeze... She looks at me and smiles...

"Want to have a quicky in the bathroom..." She whispers a little to load grinning and the others at the table start coughing or laughing... "Maybe later, let's get you some pasta first..." I answer smirking and they all groan... "Right... pasta..." Elle says all smiles wriggling in her seat again... I recognize that wriggle that is her i need to pee wriggle....

"Do you need to pee again?" I whisper in her ear, and she sighs and nods... "But i dont want to..." She says in a soft groan... "Sweetheart, you know you have to pee when you have to pee... Dont want you to get sick with a UTI or something..." I say and she sighs...

"Can you order me the spaghetti with meatballs when the waiter comes? I dont want a starter..." She says and i nod... As Elle stands up so does Eve and i smile as they leave together. "Can i punch the hostess?" Skyler asks me when Elle is out of earshot and i chuckle but shake my head... "As much as i would like to see that... Nope... Elle did not seem to notice, and we are not going to ruin her night by starting drama. She wants a nice night out and eat pasta and what my girl wants my girl gets..." I say and everyone makes gagging noises.

I just smirk and roll my eyes... "Make noise all you want but this will be probably one of her last nights out in a while so let's make it count..." I say and they all smile and nod... Elle and Eve come back, and i help Elle sit down just in time for our drinks to arrive. We order our food and Elle is all smiles...

She takes my hand under the table playing with my fingers as we listen to Seb and Mackie tell ridiculous stories from filming. I just smile as i heard these stories before, but the girls love it... I just can't keep my eyes off Elle who is just beaming. She was rubbing her belly with her free hand and every now and then she took a deep breath to deal with our little girl kicking... "Our little one kicking?" I ask whispering in her ear, and she nods... "The baby wants pasta..." She whispers and i smirk...

I lean in and plant a kiss under her ear making her shiver before i put my hand on her belly. A little later our dinner arrives, and Elle seems so happy with her choice. But i start to smirk when she looks at Seb's plate... "Seb... Look at that..." She says with her fork ready and when Seb stupidly falls for it, she steals some food of his plate making us all laugh... She smirks with a bite of his dinner in her mouth and when he looks at his plate his eyes grow wide... The look of shock on his face is priceless... "You know you could have asked..." Seb says smirking and Elle shrugs her shoulders... "This is more fun..." She says proud of herself and i can't help but smirk... But not even a few minutes later she kisses me and i fall for it as she steals some of my food...

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