Chapter 35

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Chris pov...

I watch Elle drive off and i groan putting my hand in my hair... I sigh and turn around to see Scott standing there, arms crossed in front of his chest looking at me annoyed and a little pissed... "Lying Chris?" He says and i sigh hanging my head... "You told me you had a long day and apparently told her you only had to go in a few hours... So, what is it... Did you lie to me... Or to her. Not to mention why on earth would you lie about the length of your workday...?" He says looking at me letting out a big sigh... I have no idea what he is doing here... He didn't mention coming over...

"Because if you wanted alone time with her all you had to do is ask... I know i have been over a lot. And i know things are different now that you are living together, and you can just tell me when i am too much. No need to fucking lie about it..." Scott says looking angry... He looks hurt... Actually hurt. Not only did i fuck up with Elle but with him to...

"To her..." I mumble and Scott sighs... "Why? For the love of God, why...! Why would you lie to your pregnant wife to be... Please tell me you are not having an affair or something... That you are fucking some eager extra..." He says and i look at him shocked. "What! No! Of course, not..." I say disgusted by the thought alone and i groan... "Well than what the fuck is it!" Scott says throwing his hands in the air. I take my shirt off and his eyes grow wide.

"I had an accident on set..." I say letting out a sigh and Scott looks at the bruises forming on my chest... "What the fuck!" He yells... "What happened...?!" He says and i groan putting my shirt back on... "Something exploded to early, and it hit me in the chest..." I mumble and Scott groans rolling his eyes and i know i am in for a scolding...

"1... Please tell me you have been checked out..." He says and i sigh and nod... "2... Why didn't you tell her instead of lying and making her feel like she is going crazy... You know she is pregnant and hormonal right... Probably thinking the worse... If i learned one thing about Elle is that she is quick to overthink things... And 3 how were you going to keep this from Elle? I mean i am pretty sure she sees you naked on a regular basis..." He says shaking his head in disappointment.

"I didn't think it all the way through... I just didn't want her to worry or be stressed..." I say and Scott sighs... "Yeah look how well that turned out... She drove off with Dodger to cool off... Is out there driving and upset... You are never going to forgive yourself if something happens..." He mumbles and i groan.

"For fuck's sake Scott! Dont you think i dont know that... You are not helping!" I say and he rolls his eyes... "Dont yell at me... You only have yourself to blame... You should not have lied..." He says showing me know mercy. Not wanting to listen to him stating the obvious anymore, i walk inside. I get my phone, but Scott follows me in and i sigh, he is not going to leave me alone...

I sit down at the kitchen counter typing a message to Elle when Scott giggles and i look up at him annoyed... "What?" I ask and he smirks... "She stole your dog, and he went with her no muss no fuss..." He says grinning and i roll my eyes... "Sorry... Not funny right now..." He mumbles and i sigh.

"She is driving... She is not going to answer a text..." Scott says and i sigh again knowing he is right i delete what i was typing. "She did not steal him... He is just as much hers as he is mine... Maybe even more hers right now..." I mumble as i press the button to call Elle...

I call her but there is no answer... "Fuck..." I mumble... I try again and again no answer... "Just let her cool down a bit Chris..." Scott says and i sigh... "We never had an argument before..." I mumble as a wave of anxiety washes over me... She walked out and i feel... Empty... I dont know where she is, and it makes my anxiety going through the roof.

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