Chapter 62

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Chris pov...

I smile as Elle is dozing off next to me a big, satisfied smile on her face as she tells me this is heaven. She told me to go back to sleep and i pretend to... But on the inside i am buzzing. I have so many questions i want to ask her...

Did she find a dress? What kind of dress. How many dresses... I could check the credit card statement... Maybe that would give a clue... But i shake that thought out of my head. She wants it to be a surprise and will kill me...

Today had been a weird day... I watched Elle being picked up by her dad and drive off. She had been crying just before that as she was anxious about leaving me and Faye... Well mostly Faye i will not be delusional and think she felt bad leaving me... I understood though, she had never been away from our girl and although she was excited to pick out a dress, she was debating on taking Faye with her... But she decided not to, wanting to be able to concentrate on picking out a dress. I get it she pumped milk and told me a thousand times how to heat it...

I will never tell her but a soon as she left i wanted her to come back... Faye started crying and i was a little scared i could not get her to settle down. But after i while i got her settled and to sleep. I did some laundry as Faye slept and when she woke up i fed her. But then i got the text from her dad...

I read the text a few times as he said to please come over because Elle needed me, that she was on the verge of tears and that the girls and my mom were a bit pushy about what they liked and that she knew what she wanted but was too scared or anxious to speak up. That she seems be wanting to please everyone... That he could speak to her... But i as the husband to be, would have more of an impact as it was our wedding... So, i put Faye in warm clothes and bundled her up and anxiously drove to the bridal store with her sleeping in the car seat... I was a little disappointed to see her in regular clothes as i had hoped to see her in a dress even if it was not the one...

But that disappointment disappeared when i saw the anxious and almost defeated look on her face... She immediately jumped up seeing me and i swear she looked relieved... She hugged me and i held her close with Faye in my arms and when she was feeling a bit better, she took Faye from me hugging her close and smelling her... I had smiled as it seem to relax her and after a short conversation and me reassuring her that she had to like the dress and not the others... That it was her choice... When she said she actually knew what she wanted but was not sure she could dance in it, i told her to pick as many dresses as she wanted... But then i think i came to the root of the problem... She didn't want David to get himself in debt over a dress or dresses she just felt awkward for having him tell there was no budget seeing as wedding dresses are expensive... I dont think David knew how expensive... I sneaked her my credit card and told her to pick all the dresses she wants and just to charge the cheapest on to his card and the rest to ours...

That seem to have done the trick and i kissed her before taking Faye again and leaving her... But not before asking if i could stay... But she was feeling better and almost pushed me out... So, i drove back home with Faye and as soon as i stepped into the house she started screaming her little head off... I changed her and fed her... I played with her for a little bit before putting her down again, but she was not having it. So, after a while i gave up and sat down with her on the couch... She calmed down laying on my chest and that is when Elle came back home...

She is now asleep, out like a light and Dodger huffs as her hand is no longer moving over his belly... Faye begins to fuss and i know she wants food and for a moment i think about waking Elle up but i still have enough breastmilk in the fridge so after getting of the couch and tucking Elle in without waking her i take care of Faye... I change her diaper, feed her and put her to bed and this time she falls asleep easily as if the balance in the house is restored as Elle is back home...

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