Chapter 13

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I take a deep breath as i walk to my work... Chris and i have arrived 2 days earlier than planned in Hartford so i could arrange a few things... First step is handing in my notice at my old job... Yesterday the contract had come in and everything was in there what i wanted and we both signed... It was official... We would be leaving in a month to France... I just couldn't believe i was going to France... I had done a little happy dance and Chris had smiled but i needed to get a passport and quit my old job and i had called my dad... I wanted Chris to meet my dad before we would leave...

I walk into the restaurant and Kim and Kelly look up surprised... "Hey it is not your day to work..." Kim said as she hugged me and i nodded... "How was it... Why are you home early... Did it not work out?" Kelly asked and i blushed... "It was amazing... It worked out he is at my place..." I say blushing and they both giggled... "Is the boss around?" I ask and Kim nods but looks confused... "Yes..." She says and i take a deep breath...

"OMG... You are quitting?" Kim says and i nod... "Yes..." I say blushing and she smiles... "Oh it is like a fairytale..." She squeals and i blush... "He is going to take care of you?" Kelly asks and i blush and smile... "He offered me a job... Dogsitter and chef for when he is working..." I say and Kim hugs me tightly... "That is amazing Elle... You love to cook..." Kim says but Kelly just rolls her eyes... "Right work..." Kelly mumbles before letting out a little scoff... I ignore it not caring what she thinks about it...

"I'll be right back..." I say and take the envelope with my resignation out of my purse and walk to the boss's office... I knock on the door and am told to come in and the boss looks up... "Oh good you are back early... Can you work..." He starts to say but i place the envelope in front of him... He looks up again and then back at the envelope... "What is this?" He asks and i take a deep breath... "My resignation..." I say nervously... "What!" He says standing up walking around me closing the door behind me and i take a deep breath... "I am moving on... I got another job..." I say trying to sound as confident as i could... "Just like that... After all, i did for you... You are going to leave just like that..." He says in a huff and i take a deep breath... "I am thankful for all you did for it and i will always look back fondly to my time here..." I say and he scoffs...

"Yeah, real thankful just quitting like that..." He grumbles and i take in another deep breath... I feel uncomfortable... I have never seen my boss like this and i text Chris if he please can come to the restaurant... "Why are you doing this? You have a good job here..." He says walking around sitting down on the desk in front of me towering over me... "Like i said i found a new job..." I say not backing down feeling more uncomfortable as he is to close for my liking...

"Well, you still have to work for 2 weeks as per your contract..." He says and i take in a deep breath... "I still have a lot of vacation days... I am going to take those..." I say and he scoffs... "Over my dead body... You have to work those days... You owe me that..." He says his tone dark and ominous... "I gave you a job... A good paying job and you can't just quit and leave me hanging..." He says angrily shouting now and i take a deep breath to not show i am scared at his demeanor...

"Listen i know it is sudden... But i gave everything to this job... I was here almost every day... I think i earned the right to move on immediately..." I say and he shakes his head... "You have to work for another month... To train your replacement..." He growls and i am now the one who scoffs... "First of all, i have a 2-week notice agreement in my contract... Which i am giving you now... You have a choice... You can either let me go and i take my vacation days for those 14 days... Or i will work those 14 days... But then you have to pay me out the 28 vacation days i am still owed..." I say trying to sound as confident and sure of myself as i can as i stand up to create a little distance as he was getting closer and closer to me and i felt unsafe...

Be happy...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin