Chapter 74

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Chris pov...

I look at her in shock as she downs a double whiskey and goes on to tell me to explain... But to not bullshit her... That she will not become a dutiful wife waiting for her husband at home while he is off doing God knows what... I know i fucked up having allowed that girl to get to close... Even if i had not instigated it i knew i should have reacted differently... Instead of laughing it off i should have set a clear boundary right away... But it was like i could not think of that at that moment as i felt so awkward... But now i wished i caused a scene because the anger and disgust in Elle's eyes scare me... In front of stands one pissed off lady and even with her short stature she looks scary...

I take a deep breath. "Well?" Elle says and she pours herself another scotch... She downs it again and i sigh and walk over to her... "Okay that is enough..." I say softly and take the bottle and glass from her... She looks at me annoyed but lets me take it away... "We can't talk if you are drunk..." I whisper and she scoffs... But she does not demand i give her back the bottle and glass... Not that i was going to anyway... I dont want her to drink her pain away. I want to be the one to take it away as i was the one to inflict it...  She looks up at me and there are now tears in her eyes and my heart breaks as she just looks... In pain...

"What did i do wrong...?  You already tell people i am you wife... We haven't even gotten married, yet you call me your wife... You show everyone pictures of Faye and i... And then... And then.... I find you..." She says gasping for air as tears stream down her face... The anger is gone and all i can see in her eyes now, is despair... 

 "You did nothing wrong sweetheart... Please breathe... You did nothing wrong..." I say and lead her to the couch and sit her down... I want to sit next to her but i dont think she would allow me right now, and i dont want her to spiral even more... So, i sit opposite of her on the coffee table... 

"She caught me off guard sweetheart... I did not willingly flirt, it was not my intent to flirt... It was like i froze I just didn't know how to react so i laughed it away... It was not flirting from my side... It was more awkward as i just wanted her to leave me alone... But i did not want to cause a scene... You have to understand... Please believe me... I did not want it..." I say desperate for her to believe me as i dont want to lose Elle... I dont want to lose my family... Elle looks at me and i can see her brain working as she is trying to make sense of it all... She is trying to match what she saw with what i am telling her now... But she doesn't say a word so i continue... I am desperate for her to believe me... I can't lose her and Faye... 

"As soon as she started to touch me i kept my distance... I did not like it and i certainly did not touch her... I am so sorry you feel the way you are feeling right now because i am an idiot... I am sorry it looked different... I am sorry i caused you pain... I love you sweetheart... You are more than enough... You are my world. You and our little girl... You and Faye are my priority... Do you want me to quit... Do you want me to wait until my normal assistant is back?  I will do it... But please i need you to believe me that i dont want her. Not for a second... I want to come home to you... To you and Faye... My little family... My everything..." I say and Elle looks at me tilting her head... 

"Normal assistant?" She asks squinting at me her tone although still a bit cold and distant has become a little clearer.... "Uh yeah... She is not my normal assistant... She is just here until Alex is back... You know Alex... You met her... You met her and her wife..." I say and she looks at me as if i am talking gibberish... 

"Then why is she handing out business cards that says she is your assistant..." Elle whispers and i look at her confused... She fishes a card out of her pocket handing it to me. I look at the card... I look at it in confusion and disgust... "I dont know what this is..." I say and Elle sighs... "She handed me that with the amazing line... 'I am here to take care of all Chris his needs...' NEEDS... Like she is some kind of..." Elle says but not finishing her sentence... But i can guess what she meant...

I look at the card where it says assistant to Chris Evans... "Sweetheart... She is not my assistant... Well just for now but only for a few days... Alex is at a family wedding..." I say and Elle sighs, i think she is digging in her memories to place a face with the name Alex... "Short hair... Shaved on the sides... Nose ring..." I say and all of a sudden it seems to click and Elle blushes... "With the blond lady who looked like a bit like Marlyn Monroe..."  She whispers and i smile and nod... "Yeah that is Didi... Her wife..." I say and Elle takes a deep breath again a blush creeping onto her face... 

"I forgot about her..." She whispers looking at her hands that are laying in her lap and i take in a deep breath... "That is okay... She was at our baby shower... She didn't stay long... She was going to be on set in France, but they just had a baby so i gave her time off..." I whisper and Elle looks up at me and puts her hands over her face and starts to cry... I stand up and sit down next to her... "Please dont cry sweetheart... I am so sorry..." I whisper and kiss the top of her head... I am just happy she does not push me away... She lets me hug her... And for the first time since this all started i relax a little bit... 

"I am so sorry..." She whispers sobbing... It catches me off guard as she has nothing to be sorry about... "I am sorry for not trusting you..." She says and i sigh... "It is okay..." I mumble as i understand how it must have looked from a distance... "It just... It looked so intimate, and she is so young and pretty and... And with what she said... The way she said it and..." She says sobbing and i sigh... 

"And normally i can handle it... Normally i dont care about the fan girls and all that... I dont know why she got under my skin..." She whispers and i kiss the top of her head again... "She got nothing on you... She doesn't even come close... You are my everything... Without you i am lost..." I whisper and she buries her head in my chest... As i hold her my mind is spinning on how to handle the situation tomorrow. As much as i want to fire her i can't... I can't go and say she is flirting with me so i want her to be fired. She will say no i wasn't and then it would be her word against mine and it would become this whole thing... 

I shake it off... For now, i focus on Elle who is crying in my arms as she feels guilty and just is emotional and probably emotionally exhausted. 

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