Chapter 88

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We are home for two weeks now. Chris is doing so much better. He has more energy and when we had a checkup the doctor was pleasantly surprised with how well he was doing... He aced his physicals with flying colors. It made me extremely happy to know that he is getting better... He was allowed to do light physical activities again... But was cautioned to not go overboard. To listen to his body and take rest when needed... 

I had just rolled my eyes as he was already doing light activities. He was restless. Had all this energy and no way to let it out... It was getting harder and harder to get him to take rest. I only managed to get him to relax by putting Faye in his arms. But even then, he was not. He would be playing with her by throwing her in the air giving me a near heart attack. But Faye loved it, giggling and squealing. She is growing up so fast and i swear everyday she is just a totally different baby. 

Maybe i am a bit overbearing but i just want him to heal the right way. I loved our cuddle time craving his touch. Every night we would just cuddle up in bed and watch a movie relaxing and enjoying our alone time. Faye was finally sleeping through the night.  Another difference and proof she is growing up way to fast. It is nice though. 

What i was a little anxious about was the fact that tomorrow i was going to have a dress fitting. I got called and was asked to come in. I had suggested to have my dad or Lisa come over to sit with Chris, but he would not hear of it... He said he would be fine and if something did come up he would call my dad... The girls had stopped by, and it was emotional. A lot of tears had been shed... They hugged me and Chris so tight i had to remind them he was still recovering. The same goes for Chris his sisters and brother. It was all emotional. But most of the time we were just alone at the house. Happy to just relax and be home...

"Elle!" I hear being yelled and i sigh put down the pot i was washing and walk to the bedroom... He was taking a shower after Faye had thrown up on him after feeding her. It was his own fault and i had scolded him for being too hyper after just having fed her... But i had done with a smirk on my face as he was covered in baby vomit. I had changed her and put her down for her nap while he showered before returning to the kitchen to clean everything up from lunch. I refused to order in as i wanted him to eat as healthy as possible to make sure he would recover nicely. 

"Yeah?" I say walking into the bedroom... But as soon as i walked in my breath hitched in my throat and i had to swallow hard. He was standing there in nothing but a towel... The towel was holding on for dear life dangerously low wrapped around his waist. Drops of water still running down his chest... God this is torture i think to myself.

I let my eyes roam his body and i had a feeling i had not had for a long time... My core heated up and i felt a blush creep on my face. I had pushed all these desires down as he was still recovering, and sex was the last thing on my mind. Well, that is a bit of a lie... But i pushed it down anyway not wanting to hurt him... There were moments we got caught up in each other but i always stopped it and although frustrating i knew it was too soon... The first time was just 2 days after coming home... After that came a lot of cold showers... 

I just look at him with a mixture of desire and hesitation... Especially seeing the scar on his chest... The scar of the surgery was not big and didn't bother me a lot but seeing the scar of where the bullet had entered hurt. It was a permanent reminder of the trauma he had been through. He told me it didn't hurt anymore and i know i am ridiculous as i am not the one who was shot but it hurt me. But i kept that to myself. I have no right to feel this way. I am not the one who was shot... I was not the one who had been hurt. 

"Are you done staring sweetheart..." He says a grin on his face as he steps closer... I take a deep breath and look up... He caresses my cheek and i close my eyes leaning in his touch... He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on my lips... "I need you sweetheart..." He whispers and i open my eyes... "We... We can't... You are still..." I started to say but he cut me off with a kiss...

"I am good sweetheart..." He says in a soft moan taking my hand putting it on his chest over his heart... "Feel it... Strong heartbeat..." He murmurs and i take a deep breath... "My wounds have healed..." He says in a soft whisper moving my hand to the scar of the bullet... "Please sweetheart... I just need to feel you... Get lost in you..." He softly pleads before giving me another sweet kiss... "Dont you want me anymore..." He says and the pain and anxiety is evident in his voice...

I open my eyes and put my hands on his face and kiss him again this time passionately... "God you have no idea how bad i want you... I just... I just... I am scared i would hurt you... I dont want to hurt you..." I whisper and he smiles... "You won't sweetheart... I am good..." He softly moans and it sends shivers down my spine... 

He kisses me again deepening the kiss and grabbing my hips pulling me closer... Our bodies pressed against each other i wrap my arms around his neck pulling myself closer into him... He groans and i feel his fingers dig into my hips... 

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