Chapter 65

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"That was delicious sweetheart..." Chris said leaning back in his chair rubbing his chest up and down... He was smirking... "Thank you..." I said in my sweetest voice, and he took a deep breath looking at me his eyes squinting as if he was trying to read my mind... "Look..." I whisper diverting his attention to Faye as it was getting harder to keep a straight face... Faye had fallen asleep and looked adorable... "Ill will put her in her crib and after that... You and i have unfinished business..." He said winking at me and i giggled... He took Faye out of the play pen and walked off and like they had planned it the doorbell rang... "Oh your business has to wait Mr. Evans..." I giggled and rushed to the front door...

"Come in, come in..." I say practically dragging them inside... "Now listen up as i dont have much time before Chris is coming to check what is going on... We texted... You noticed that i was anxious and frustrated and the best way to fix that is an old-fashioned girls' night..." I whispered and Sky giggled, and Eve just smirked shaking her head... "Almost married people are weird..." Skyler said to Eve who nodded but they both started laughing... "Can't wait to hear what is going on..." Eve mumbled and i blushed... "Later..." I hushed and i hugged them both...

"Sweetheart? Who was at the... Oh... Hello Skyler... Eve..." Chris said forcing a welcoming smile on his face and they both waved at him... "Hello Chris... I hope you dont mind... We are here to surprise our bestie... She sounded a little anxious and frustrated over text and we haven't had a girl's night in so long..." Skyler said in her most innocent tone of voice playing the part amazingly... "And we know she doesn't like to be away from Faye to long, so we thought a girl's night was a good idea..." Eve said and i smirked at them as my back was turned to Chris...

"Isn't that sweet?" I cooed turning to Chris who looked at me squinting... "Yeaaaah that is so sweeet..." He said sarcastically... It took everything to keep my face straight... "Good because we brought games and all the things for a spa night..." Skyler said smirking at Chris and pushed past us into the living room followed by Eve...

Chris and i looked at each other... The tension was still palpable... I walk over to him and walk my fingers over his chest... Chris takes a deep breath... I stand on my toes and hover my lips over his... "It seems like your business has to wait Mr. Evans..." I whisper and he groans... I turn around and start walking to the living room... I pull my hair out of my ponytail to fix my hair while walking away... But i intentionally drop my hair tie... "Oops..." I say and bend over picking it up and looking over my shoulder smirking as my ass again was on full display for him... Oh this was going to be fun... I could see the frustration radiating off of him as his fists were balled and his tongue visibly moving in his mouth... I stand back up... "Oh can you clean up the kitchen please... I dont want to keep the girls waiting..." I say and he gives me a dark look... "Thank you handsome..." I say winking at him and blowing him a kiss before he can even answer and walk to the living room.

I can hear Chris muttering to himself as we are sitting on the floor around the coffee table playing a board game... He is cleaning the kitchen and every now and then i look up as i had sat down were i had a full view of the kitchen... Chris never minds cleaning up but now he seems frustrated... It is my turn in the game and make my move...

I see him walking over to us... He seems to have pushed down his frustration... He walks over to me and leans down kissing me... "I am going to skate with Dodger..." He says and i smile... "Have fun..." I chirp and he sighs... "You to see you later..." He says kissing me again and i smirk into the kiss...

The girls look at me smirking and after 10 minutes we hear the front door close... But i know Chris can be sneaky so i put my fingers on my lips and go check if he really is gone... But he is and i giggle and walk back into the living room...

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