Chapter 6

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I am standing in my closet looking around having no idea what to take with me for a week... Chris told me to just bring comfortable things... I sigh and all of a sudden i feel two arms wrap around me as Chris hugs me from behind... "I dont know what to take... I never been away for so long..." I mumble and Chris plants a kiss on my shoulder... "Just take some comfortable clothes... If you forget something or need something i can buy it for you in Boston..." He says and i turn around and look at him... "You are not buying me stuff..." I say looking at him a little tense... He looks at me... "Sweetheart... Dont worry... I can afford it..." He says but i shake my head... I dont want him to buy me things... I dont want him to think i am with him for money... I dont want people to think i am using him... Something tells me he is the person to spoil someone with big things and because i could never do that in return... Well, it just felt wrong...

"Promise me Chris... Or i am not going..." I say and he looks at me worried maybe even a little annoyed... "Okay no buying you things... But you are not paying for groceries and stuff... You are my guest..." He says and i sigh and want to protest but he kisses me shutting me up...

"Fine..." I say giving in and he smirks... "Good girl..." He mumbles and i blush... "God i love it when you blush..." He whispers and kisses me again making me blush even more and he smiles... "I still dont know what to pack..." I murmur into the kiss and Chris smirks... "Just start with underwear and go from there..." He whispers and i smirk... "You want to help pick out underwear...?" I whisper with a twinkle in my eye.... Having him pick out my underwear gives me an idea of what he finds sexy... He smirks and nods... I walk into the bedroom and walk to the dresser and pull open a drawer... "Go ahead... Pick out a few sets... I am going to get some clothes..." I say and Chris smirks at me as a kid who just got told he could pick anything from the candy store he wanted...

I walk back into the closet and smirk as i hear him groan and grunt... I peak into the bedroom, and he is holding up a red lace set still with the price tag on it and i blush as he puts it in the suitcase on the bed... He groans again as he pulls out some other sets and i smile as he neatly folds them again before putting them in my suitcase... I sigh and just pick some jeans and shirts... i grab a few shorts and tank tops... And some other comfy clothes... I then see the red dress i had once bought because Skyler and Eve had said i needed a nice dress for dating... I never had worn it.... I smile and grab it and the red shoes matching it...

I walk into the bedroom where Chris is smirking as he looks through my underwear not noticing me and i smirk and shake my head... "Having fun?" I ask as he holds up a white set and a pink set... "Can't choose..." He mumbles still smirking and i chuckle... "Well, you never can have enough underwear so just put them both in..." I say and he grins and puts them aside as he keeps looking... I put my clothes in the suitcase and walk into the bathroom to grab some of my stuff there... I walk back into the bedroom, and he is holding up this black leather set and he is licking his lips a twinkle in his eyes as he is studying it from every angle...

"What is this...?" He says his eyes going dark and i blush... "Underwear..." I say turning bright red and looking at the floor... I had never worn it... The price tag was still on... I had bought it at a long, long time ago... I had even forgotten about it... Chris smirked and put it in the suitcase to and the look in his eyes was dark and filled with lust... He walks over to me and i am looking away as i feel a bit awkward... He cups my face with one hand making me look at him... "Can't wait to see you in those sweetheart..." He says in a low dark tone of voice brushing his lips over mine and i close my eyes his words and demeanor going straight to my core a little

When i have finally packed everything i need i close my suitcase and Chris smiles stuffing his own stuff in his bag... He takes my suitcase from me and i want to protest... "Stop... You are not carrying your suitcase..." He says smiling and i blush and just nod... I water my plants before we make our way to his car...

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