Chapter 84

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"Megan?" I said over the phone and the line was quiet for a second. "Elle OMG how are you! It is so good to finally hear from you... How is Chris..." She said all excited and i smile... "He is good... He... Well... He is allowed to go home tomorrow..." I say and i could hear a relieved sigh... "That is great news Elle... Really great news..." She says and i think she is crying... 

"Yes, it is... Chris is ready to go home. This hospital room is driving him crazy..." I say and she chuckles... "Good... That is a good sign..." She says and i sigh... "How are you doing?" She asks me and i take a deep breath. "I am fine... I just need your help..." I say looking at the room i had just left Chris to cuddle with Faye under the watchful eye of his mother and my dad... Lisa was driving him crazy. Every day a little more and i understood her... She had been scared of losing him. But it was agitating Chris more and more and that worried me as he was still healing and i did not wanting him to have stress... 

"What can i help you with...?" Megan said and i took a deep breath... "Normally Chris handles all these things and well i dont want him to stress. So can you tell me how i arrange for a flight home and such..." I say feeling myself tear up as i feel so stupid for having to ask her... She chuckles... "Sweetie dont cry... Chris never handles this kind of stuff either... He calls me or his assistant..." She says and my heart drops... "No assistant!" I say a little louder than intended. 

Megan was silent for a second... "Okay no assistant..." She says as if she understands... "But dont worry... When will he be discharged?" She says and i sigh. "Tomorrow morning... And the thing is we both dont want to go back to the house... Dad and Lisa have packed up our stuff so we dont have to." I say and Megan hums... "So straight from the hospital to the plane..." She says typing things down. "Yes... And there is one other thing... The doctor will not allow Chris to fly home if there is not a paramedic or something traveling with us..." I say and she chuckles... "Okay... So plane, paramedic and car service from the hospital to the plane..." She says making a list. "Yes..." Is all i say... 

"And i am guessing traveling with you guys is Lisa and David..." She says and i am surprised she knows my dad's name... "Uh yeah..." I say knowing the flight is going to be interesting... Maybe i should have a talk with my dad to try and keep Lisa distracted... All of a sudden i hear yelling coming from Chris's room. "Megan i have to go..." I say panicked... "I'll text you the details..." Is the last thing i hear before hanging up. 

I rush into the room and Chris his face is red as he is clinging onto Faye... "What is going on?" I ask and Chris looks at me and starts to cry clinging onto Faye as if he is scared to lose her... "Lisa...?" I ask a little sternly and she sighs... "I just wanted to take Faye from him..." She says and i look at her confused. "Why?" I ask annoyed and she sighs... "He had her for a little while already and looked tired... He needs his rest..." She says and i sigh. I look around the room. "Where is my dad?" I ask as he was here when i excused myself. 

"He is getting us coffee..." She says annoyed. "Okay... Well first of all... Let him hold Faye until he asks you to take him. He can tell you himself when he is too tired." I say and she starts to protest but i hold up my hand to shut her up... But she is not having it. "Look i am only doing what is best. He needs his rest. He has to get used to it that i am around..." She says and my eyes grow wide... "Why?" I say and she looks at me as if i am crazy... "Because i am staying with you when we get back to Boston... You guys need help..." She says and now my eyes almost pop out of my head and when i look at Chris i can see the panic on his face... That makes something inside of me snap... All the frustration i have been keeping in comes out...

"OUT NOW..." I say and Lisa looks at me in shock... She tries to protest but i am not having it... I am done especially when i look at Chris... "OUT!" I say and hold open the door for her... She shuffles to the door and i sigh... "I will be right with you..." I say and she looks at me angry but leaves... 

I rush over to Chris and cup his face making him look up at me. "Breathe baby... Breathe...." I say and he leans his head against my chest as he calms down again... Faye is sleeping through all of this which amazes me... As long as she is in her daddy's arms, she does not care about anything else... "I dont want her around all the time... She will drive me crazy... She is suffocating me... I feel like a little kid again..." Chris says in a small voice and i sigh... "I know... I know... I will talk to her..." I mumble and take in a deep breath as i know that that is not going to be a pleasant talk.

"Are you okay with Faye on your own for a minute?" I ask and he nods... I sigh and kiss him... "Dont worry baby... I will fix it..." I say and he looks at me... "I am sorry... I am sorry that you have to deal with my mother... But she won't listen to me..." He says and i shake my head... "Dont worry about it... It will be okay. We will go home tomorrow. Megan is making arrangements as we speak and tomorrow, we will be home just the 4 of us... You, me, Faye and Dodger..." I say and he gives me a little smile.  

"I will be right outside... Just yell for me if you need me..." I say and he nods as i take a deep breath and walk out to but heads with Lisa... 

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