Chapter 69

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"Sweetheart... I have to go..." Chris murmurs in my ear before kissing my face all over. "I changed and fed Faye and she is sleeping again. Dodger has been fed and walked to... So, no need to get up just yet..." He whispers and i smile stretching myself out... "I dont like you going away..." I sigh and pull on his arm making him chuckle... "I know sweetheart... I wish i could stay with you and Faye all the time..." He whispers running his hand through my hair before caressing my cheek...

I sit up and cup his face kissing him passionately... "I love you so much..." I whisper and he groans... "I love you to sweetheart... But i know what you are doing..." He whispers and i giggle... "You did the same in France a few times..." He whispers looking me with bedroom eyes while playing with my hair and i smirk... "Is it working...?" I whisper and he groans... "Yes..." He mumbles and pushes me back down into the bed kissing me... "Come with me..." He murmurs into the kiss and i giggle... 

"Maybe it is a good thing... The whole absence makes the heart grow fonder..." I moan and he sighs... "Whoever came up with that didn't have you..." He growls in my neck as he marks me and i giggle again... But then his phone goes off and we both sigh. "I really have to go..." He mumbles hugging me tight. "I know..." I whisper rubbing his back up and down.

It might be ridiculous, but we have been together so much that it kind of hurts being apart... "You have to go... Go and entertain the people..." I whisper kissing his cheek and he sighs... "Yeah..." He mumbles but he doesn't move and i smile... "You want me to walk you out...?" I ask and he sighs again... "No.... You stay in bed..." He mumbles and i kiss his cheek again... He pushes himself up as his phone starts to ring again... "Give Faye a kiss from me when she wakes up..." He mumbles and i nod... "I will handsome... Just think about this... She will be so happy when you come back home..." I say and he smiles... 

He gives me a few more kisses before he finally leaves and i sigh... I am wide awake now and decide to take a shower now that Faye is sleeping. It will be a bit of an adjustment taking care of Faye all on my own during the day. I hum as i shower and i start to smile... Faye and i can go surprise him during lunch. 

I check on Faye and smile as she is still sleeping. Dodger looks up at me and i pat his head... "Such a good boy..." I say and walk to the kitchen to have some breakfast. 

I text back and forth a bit with Chris during the morning. He really misses us. I can tell from the many texts. The last time he was filming he did not nearly text this much. But i tell myself it will change. I text him a picture of Faye every now and then. But while i am getting her ready i dont text him back as i have my hands full. 

I look at Faye in her car seat as i drive to the set. Chris had programmed the address into the GPS for i ever decided to do this. But i dont think i would do it on day one. Faye is sleeping as she always does in the car. Dodger is sitting next to her also buckled in... I chuckle and smirk thinking of him as another kid as he is looking outside wagging his tail... 

I finally arrive at the set and take a deep breath. I am a little bit more confident of myself. By now everyone knows Chris is engaged and has a daughter... So, i am not scared to walk on set... I know Chris had made sure i could. 

Still i am a little nervous what if people dont like having us be here... I take a deep breath as i drive up to the security with my identification in hand. "Name?" The man growls not even looking at me... "Elle Taylor..." I say in a little squeaky voice as the man is scary. "Are there other occupants in the car?" He asks and i take a deep breath... "Only my daughter Faye Evans and my dog Dodger..." I say and the man's head shoots up... 

"Oh Mrs. Evans... I am so sorry... The name... It caught me off guard..." He stutters and i smile... "It is okay and i am not Mrs. Evans yet..." I say blushing and he chuckles. "Well, ma'am you have to tell Mr. Evans that... He calls you his wife to anyone who will listen... I had a line around the block this morning as he made me look at pictures of you and your little girl... He is a proud papa and husband..." He says and i blush... "That is sweet... But next time just tell him to get his ass to work... Tell him his wife told you to do so..." I say smirking and the man laughs... "Will do Mrs. Evans..." The man says before he gives me directions on were to park and handing me a visitor badge... 

I drive in park the car and open the trunk to get out the pram... Faye is still sleeping and i hope she will stay sleeping. I sigh as i have never done this. Chris is normally the one to put the pram together and i curse myself for not paying better attention. I manage to get it out but look at it a little lost... 

"Need some help?" I hear all of a sudden and jump... I turn around and sigh seeing Dwayne standing there laughing... "Seriously you got to stop scaring the living shit out of me..." I say laughing... "But yes, i could use some help... You have kids... Please tell me you know how to put this thing together..." I say letting out a sigh and he smirks and in just a few seconds he has it put together...

I lift Faye out of her car seat and put her in the pram and Dwayne smiles at her... "She is adorable..." He says and i smile... "She really is and a real daddy's girl... We thought of visiting daddy today as he is having a tough time being away from us for the first time..." I say and Dwayne nods... "Yeah, Chris talks about you guys nonstop... Showing pictures to everyone who is willing to see..." He says with a big smile and i blush and roll my eyes making him laugh... "God you to... God people are going to think he is so annoying..." I say and Dwayne laughs... "Nah... They just think he is a proud new dad..." He says and i smile... "Well let's go surprise him..." Dwayne says and i smile and nod feeling a little grateful that i dont have to walk around alone...

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