Chapter 66

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As we walked through the front door Skyler, Eve and Dodger rushed over to us... It was 11 in the morning. Faye was doing well enough to be sent home... We had to keep an eye on her, and she had gotten antibiotics and pain relief if needed...

"Is she okay?" Eve askes a little panicked and i nodded... "She will be..." I whisper and Chris kissed my temple... I was so tired. I had not slept since Chris had woken me up... "I am going to order breakfast... You guys want something...?" Chris asks the girls who both smile... "No need we made brunch when you texted us that you were going to come home soon..." Skyler said and i smiled... "You guys didn't have to..." I whisper and they both shake their heads... "It was the least we could do..." Eve says and i take a deep breath... "I am going to put her in the bassinet in our room and after brunch i am going to take a nap... I have not slept since you kidnapped me..." I say and Chris smiles and nods...

I hear the girls ask Chris a lot of questions as i walk to the nursery to change her before i would put her in our bedroom where the bassinet still is even if she does not sleep in it a lot anymore... Faye is asleep in my arms... She is doing much better, and her fever has come down. But we have to keep a close eye on her. I checked her temperature one more time and let out a sigh of relief as it had not gotten higher again... I put her in some clean clothes and put her down... She sleeps through it all and i sigh... Thank God she is sleeping she must feel awful...

When i walk to the kitchen with my eyes focused on the baby monitor i smell pancakes... I look up and smile at the enormous stack of pancakes and Chris grins... "Pancakes..." He says and i chuckle... "I can see that..." I say and the girls laugh... "Yeah we are not as equipped in the kitchen as you so this is the best, we could do..." Skyler says and i sigh... "It is fine... I won't eat much anyway... Dont want to fall asleep with a pancake in my mouth..." I mumble and Chris almost chokes on a pancake...

I keep my eyes on the baby monitor barely listening to the conversation Chris was having with the girls... I need to eat, and it is so sweet they have cooked but after a few bites i am done and excuse myself... I walk to our bedroom and check on Faye she is still asleep. I look at the bed and quickly change the sheets... I just dropped the old ones next to the laundry basket... I change and after checking up on Faye one more time i crawl into bed...

But as tired as i am i can't sleep and keep staring at the monitor... I could not see her from the bed... So, i just watched the screen. I dont know why but i just need to see that she is okay... It was scary and even though the doctor explained that babies were more prone to ear infections i felt guilty... I had been so busy with getting back at Chris that i had not noticed... Chris had told me he would take care of her, and the doctor told me it was quite possible she had not been symptomatic until she woke up. Still the guilt was eating me alive... I felt like a terrible mother... I felt like i had let her down...

I felt ridiculous because i was thinking about another baby and i could not even take care of this one... I could not even see when she was sick... So, i had no business in wanting another one... Faye starts to fuss and i immediately get out of bed... I take her in my arms and sit back down in the bed... I feed her and check her temperature yet again... Still stable... I look up when i hear the door open and Chris walks in... "She woke up..." I whisper and he crawls into bed with me...

"Sweetheart... You know there was nothing we could do... We did what we had to and took her to the hospital... We did good..." He says and i sigh... "I know and yet... I feel guilty..." I mumble and he kisses my temple... "Dont... You did good... You noticed her temperature... You did everything we needed to do and made sure she was checked out..." He says and i blush...

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