Chapter 87

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Chris pov...

Home sweet home... Home with my lovely family. No nurses and doctors. Just Elle, Faye, Dodger and i... We had dropped ma and David off at their own places and i was so grateful to be alone with my girls. "Okay..." Elle says taking a deep breath... "You... In bed or on the couch..." She kisses my cheek and i groan... "What about our stuff..." I say and she looks at me raising an eyebrow putting her hands on her hips... 

"If for one moment you think you are going to put everything away, your delusional... Dont make force you..." Her face says it all and i know right now i better listen... And maybe she is right... But i have been in that hospital bed for so long that i am restless... 11 days on the ICU and another 12 in a normal room as the doctors want to make absolutely sure i was okay... And although i dont want to... I have to admit i am tired still. I have been in a bed for 23 days 4 of them out like a light, i am still tired. The doctor said that was normal and would get better. My body was just using all its energy to heal. 

"I am going to put our princess down for her nap and then i will put everything away... You have two choices... The bed or the couch and that is final..." Elle says sternly and i sigh... "The couch..." I mumble and she chuckles and pats my cheek. "Good boy..." 

I chuckle and shake my head but give in and walk to the couch. I sit down moping like a little toddler. I dont like this at all... Elle disappears and i sigh... I pull my phone out of my pocket and i know i shouldn't but i open twitter... I groan as i see my name is trending and picture after picture appears of us leaving the hospital... Elle tried not to show it, but she was so scared and i am in no condition to protect her. It is frustrating. It is frustrating to see her deal with everything and i am just useless... I know i should be grateful that i am still here but i just want to be better so i can be useful again.

I sigh and put my phone away knowing it only would annoy me more. I stand up grab a book and sit back down... I hear noises and see Elle dragging our stuff out of the hallway... I sigh and try to focus on my book but i can't. I stand up and walk to the bedroom where Elle is unpacking my suitcase... "Are you okay?" She asks when i appear and i shake my head....

"Omg... Are you in pain. Do you need to go to the hospital..." She says in a panic and i shake my head and walk over to her cup her face and without a word kiss her... Really kiss her and she calms down... "Chris?" I hear and put my forehead against hers... 

"Can we take a nap together?" I mumble and she looks at the suitcases before she looks at me and my eyes plead with her... "I just need to hold you..." I murmur and she smiles... "Okay..." Is the answer i get and i take her hand and walk to the bed. She lays down on my good side and after i had laid down she gently and carefully cuddles into me... 

"No pain?" Elle whispers and i smile... "No... Not more than a minute ago..." I answer and she sighs. "Can you promise me to take it easy and not overdo it. I know you are frustrated but please in order to get better you need to take it easy." I sigh hearing her question. She knows me so well... 

But she is right though. I am frustrated and i can ignore the pain and just want life to get back to normal. I know it is better to take it easy so i sigh and promise Elle that i will take it easy. "I just want to be better for our wedding in 4 months..." I sigh and Elle takes in a deep breath. "You dont want to postpone?" She asks and i look at her as she looks back up at me. Her face is serious and i smile... "Hell no... Not a chance. I will be much better by then and i am not waiting any longer to marry you... Everything goes on like planned... I will be damned if i have to wait any longer to see you in your beautiful dress..." I say looking at her.

She giggles and plants a kiss on my cheek but then her face turns serious... She reaches for my face and runs her fingers through my hair... "I almost lost you..." She is tearing up as if it just sets in and i take in a deep breath as i fight my own tears... "I know sweetheart. But i am here and you heard the doctor. Full recovery..." I whisper trying my best to comfort her... 

"You better... You can't leave me now..." She murmurs and i sigh. "Not going anywhere, sweetheart..." I say and she kisses me... I doze off. I guess i am more tired than i like to admit. But when i wake up the bed is empty, and Elle is not here... I look around. The suitcase is gone. I sigh and get up. All our stuff that was by the front door is gone and i guess she has put everything away when i was sleeping... But when i walk into the kitchen i smile and the scene in front of me just makes me happy. Elle is rummaging around with her plants with Faye strapped in front of her... She is humming and singing... I watch her and i wonder if she slept at all... 

Now that we are home and are alone i can see how tired she is. She barely slept over the last few weeks i know that. She refused to leave the hospital. The few times i managed to convince her to sleep next to me in the bed she barely did, they were more like power naps. 

But we are home now, and she just has to let the exhaustion in. When she does i know she will crash. I know i should not push right now. Her dad said to let her crash. That right now she is to stubborn to listen to anyone. That telling her to sleep would backfire as she just feels like she has to stay strong and will not give in longer just to prove us wrong. David told me to call when she crashes, and he would be over to help. It went against my instinct as i just wanted to protect her from it, but i guess he knows best in this case. 

"You are awake?" I hear and smile... "Yes..." I say and walk over to her and kiss her... "Do you want something to eat? Drink? I was about to start on dinner..." She says in that sweet voice and i smile. I kiss her again and she blushes as if i kissed her for the first time ever... "Dinner sounds great..." I say and Elle's face lights up... "But on one condition..." I say and she looks confused. She starts to smile as i lift Faye out her wrap and hold her kissing her little cheeks... "You let me hold her..." I say and i take in a deep breath to let Faye's smell calm me... "Deal..." She giggles and she looks in the fridge. "Where did all that come from?" I ask her as the fridge is fully stocked. 

"I asked Carly..." She says and i smile. She had thought of everything. 

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