Chapter 48

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Chris pov...

I walk into Davids's house... I can see the backyard is buzzing with workers. They are working hard on getting the tree out. Elle is still in the car as she needed a moment to gather herself... I take a deep breath and smile as i see all the boxes packed up for the move next week. But my smile disappears as David is standing in front of the window staring at all the workers...

He notices me but doesn't turn around. "Hello son..." He says and i dont know why... I am in my 40's but hearing him call me son make me feel all giddy and almost like a teenager again... Maybe it is the fact that he approves... "Hello Father..." I say smirking copying his and Elle's routine and he turns to me with a grin on his face and he chuckles... "Smartass..." He mumbles and i smirk back at him...

"Where is Elle?" He asks looking behind me and i take a deep breath... "She needed a minute... We just came from the cemetery..." I say and he sighs. "Oh..." Is all he says and i am a little confused as i thought he knew. "You didn't know?" I ask and he shakes his head mumbling something i can't understand.

"How is she?" He asks and i sigh... "Good... A little emotional but that is understandable, she just needed a moment... She told her that she was worried about you..." I say and he looks surprised... "Why?" He asks and i take a deep breath... "She is scared that you having a hard time leaving this place..." I say and he scoffs shaking his head before taking in a deep breath...

"Yes and no... Yes, this house holds memories... This is the house my wife died in... This is the house she grew up and became the woman she is today. No... Because i am ready to move on... To be there when Elle starts a new phase of her live... To see her become a wife and mother... A great mother... I can't wait to see her become a mother she is going to be a great one... I know i am biased... But you are one lucky man to have my daughter love you... She chooses you from all the men she could have, and you better thank God on your knees every night because my daughter is the most amazing woman..." He says proudly smirking and i smile back at him and nod...

"Trust me... I do... I count my lucky stars every night..." I say smirking and he nods... "And she is lucky to have you... Some people told me i think that way because you are rich..." He says taking a deep breath and i look at him shocked... "They say i like you because you can give Elle the world... Can give her what her heart desires... But i want you to know that that is not true... Yes, it is a comforting thought to know she never has to worry about money... But what is even more comforting is that i know she is loved. Money isn't everything and that is how i raised her... You love her for her... All her quirks... And dont tell she does not have any because i know she does... Just like you do... I can see you both love each other unconditional and that is all i want for her... Love..." He says and i smile...

"I really do... And i know i am lucky and i would do anything to see her smile... But who the fuck says that...?" I say wanting to know who should say such shit things. Just as i am about to say something else Elle walks in... "What is going on here?" She asks curious as she sees me and her dad in a serious talk... "Just some male bonding princess..." He says and she chuckles shaking her head.

She walks to the window and watches the workers... My mind is still spinning wanting to know who said it to give them a piece of my mind. "They made good progress it seems to go faster than i thought." She says and David smiles. "Yeah, they are really taking good care of her... I picked a place in the new yard... A place the tree guy told me she would flourish..." David says and i smile as he has this soft smile on his face talking about the tree as if she really is Elle's mother...

"I said hi to mom from you..." She mumbles as he steps beside her and wraps an arm around her shoulder as they watch everything together... "Thank you princess... I will visit her before the move..." He says and she leans into him... "Ms. West is sad..." Her dad mumbles and Elle giggles... "That is because she can't ogle you anymore..." She says and her dad groans... "Stop it... Women do not ogle me..." He growls and i chuckle... "Okay father... Whatever you say..." She mumbles and i smile watching their banter...

Be happy...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin