Chapter 55

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The party was amazing. I had shaken so many hands and met so many new people... They were all so nice and we had gotten so many gifts for our little one and so many donations for the charities we had suggested... So many books, toys, stuffed animals and so much more... We had chosen 2 charities... Of course, Christophers haven and a women's shelter specialized for pregnant women. I had become all emotional when we got the final numbers, and it was overwhelming seeing what had been donated...

True to her word Lisa had made sure people would not touch my belly. Everyone seemed to understand that i was not comfortable with that... The food was amazing and i had eaten so much i was sure i was going to blow... Especially the cupcakes were delicious and i might had one or two to many... Anthony and Sebastian had apologized over and over for making me cry and i told him everything was fine that it was mostly the hormones. They didn't need to know more. They felt bad enough already.

I was so tired when we finally left the party that i had fallen asleep in the car... I had fallen in such a deep sleep that i hadn't even woken up when Chris carried me to bed... But we are a week later now and i am 34 weeks pregnant. We are getting close now and i am sure if you would stick me with something sharp i would pop. 6 weeks to go and overall, i was feeling great... I was tired quickly and i had some aches and pains but nothing i should complain about... I was still in contact with some of the women of the birthing class and when i heard their stories i knew i was lucky.

The first baby of our birthing class had been born. A boy named Eric... I had cried when they shared a picture in the group chat. It was an adorable boy... I was kind of jealous. They had finally welcomed their baby and seemed so happy. I couldn't wait to meet our girl. To hold her...

We are ready... Or as ready as you can be. My go bag is packed. Chris had driven the route to the hospital a few times. The nursery was done. The house was as clean as it could be. All i had to do was relax and try to get as much rest as i could. I still did yoga although i needed Chris his help. Moving around got a bit difficult but Chris was always close to help me if i needed it.

I am sitting on the couch while Chris is making me a snack and gets me something to drink. Dodger is lying next to me on the couch. His head is on my belly. It is his favorite resting spot. He absolutely loves it when our girl kicks. The first time he experienced our girl kicking was so cute. He watched my belly tilting his head sniffing my belly as to investigate what was going on...

I smile as our girl kicks and Dodger lifts his head tilting it again. I giggle as she kicks again seeing my belly move... Dodger tilts his head to the other side. "Your sister is awake..." I whisper and give him a scratch behind his ear... I smile when a few seconds later Chris appears leaning over me and kissing my belly before putting his hand on it before he walks back to the kitchen again... I smile as this is how we are lately, just relaxing and lounging around the house. Chris always wants to feel when she kicks and most of our time is spend cuddled up...

It is heaven. Chris had postponed some of his projects as he didn't want to mis anything. We had made a plan for when he had to start filming again. 3 months after my due date he had to start filming with Dwayne. And because that was postponed, he had to immediately after that start filming for another movie. But we were coming with. I didn't want to stay home alone, and Chris didn't want to be away from us for so long.

I yawn as i adjust my pillows. I had barely slept last night. Somehow our girl thought that the nights were the best times to be active and i just could not get comfortable. I finally had given in and started using the pillows even when Chris was sleeping next to me. I hated it but i didn't want to keep him awake and it was the only way i could get comfortable in bed. But every morning that i woke up before Chris i would remove the pillow and cuddle up to him. I was not as horny anymore but still craved intimacy... It was strange... 2 days ago i would jump him every chance i got but now i just wanted to cuddle... I was not craving sex right now. All i want is lying in Chris his arms.

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