Chapter 47

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I slowly open my eyes and when i wake up a little more i shoot up. I am in a bedroom... A bedroom i dont know. I get a little panicked and then i remember that we were at Lisa's and i am probably in a bed in her home... It looks like her home... Then i see the note and when i read it i smile.

I get out of the bed and see my shoes. I put them on and walk down the stairs... I smile as Chris and his mom are in the kitchen making dinner... "Hey..." I say blushing and they both look at me and smirk... "Hello sweetheart... Did you have a nice nap?" Chris says with the biggest smirk on his face and i nod still blushing...

"You looked so adorable falling asleep during lunch mid bite..." Lisa says smiling and i look at her shocked and i think i am now as red as a tomato... "Mid bite?" I whisper feeling horrified and Chris chuckles, walks over and kisses me... "You fell asleep with your sandwich in your mouth..." Chris whispers as he kisses me on my cheek and i groan and look at him... "Really?" I whisper feeling so embarrassed... Chris nods and takes my hand sitting me down at the kitchen counter... "We didn't know when you would wake up so Chris and i decided that you two would stay for dinner... Is that okay?" Lisa asks and i nod in response a little dazed from just waking up and feeling embarrassed from the information i just gotten over me falling asleep.

"I hope lasagna is okay..." Lisa asks me and i nod... My stomach rumbles and Lisa smiles... "Do you need a snack? Dinner is not ready for a while..." She asks and shrug my shoulders. I am not fully awake yet and have trouble processing everything. "Elle?" Chris asks looking at me worried and i turn to him... "Yeah..." I say and he frowns even more the worried look intensifying. "Do you want a snack?" He asks and i sigh. "Yeah okay..." I mumble... "Are you okay sweetheart...?" He asks walking over to me and rubbing my back... "Yeah i am good... Just need a moment to wake up..." I say and Chris nods before kissing the top of my head... "What do you want sweetie?" Lisa asks and i take a deep breath. "Some fruit or something is fine..." I say smiling as i wake up a little...

"Sorry for falling asleep during lunch..." I say and Lisa smiles. "Oh, sweetie you dont need to be sorry about that..." She says and hands me an apple. I smile at her and take a deep breath before taking a bite... "Sorry i am still a bit dazed... I woke up a little confused due to not remembering falling asleep and waking up in an unfamiliar room..." I say and Lisa chuckles... "I can understand that..." Lisa says smirking. "You were out like a light... Chris told me you didn't have a good night sleep." Lisa says and i nod...

"Yeah, i am always kind of nervous and anxious before a checkup..." I say and i smile as i feel Dodger nudging me... I get off the bar stool and sit down on the ground to cuddle with him feeling myself relax... I take a bite of the apple and take the bite feeding it to Dodger...

"Sweetheart... You need to eat it yourself..." Chris says smirking and i smirk back at him. "I am sharing..." I say taking a bite for myself smirking at him and Chris chuckles shaking his head... About an hour later we sit down for dinner i am finally out of my post nap daze and i am amused as Lisa tells me stories about Chris as a baby and kid... "My kids were a handful..." Lisa says smirking and i look at Chris feigning shock... "You couldn't have told me that before? Oh lord what am i getting myself into..." I say smirking and he laughs... "Sweetheart... You seem to forget that this baby was a surprise and nod planned..." He says smirking and i grin back at him as he rubs my belly.

"I can't believe i am 17 weeks already... Time is going by so fast... I read that the baby will be able to hear soon... Maybe we should have picked up some books for you to read to the baby... So, the baby will get to know daddy's voice..." I say... "I have baby books from when Carly's kids were little... You can take those home with you..." Lisa says interjecting and i smile at her... "You can get them out of storage after dinner." She says to Chris who nods with the biggest smile on his face.

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