Chapter 9

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"Sweetheart what is all this...?" Chris says as all 3 look at me surprised as i carry the plates with snacks in. "Nacho's, Barbeque chicken wings and union rings..." I say putting the food down on the coffee table in the living room and Chris, Anthony and Sebastian look at me... "And for the healthy option some vegetables with homemade dip..." I say smiling and Chris smiles back at me.

"Sweetheart you didn't have to..." Chris says... But he gets cut off by Anthony... "Hey speak for yourself... This looks all so good..." Anthony says and i blush... "You finally found one who is more than just a pretty face..." Anthony says and i look at him a little stunned... I quickly pull myself together and take a deep breath... "I know i didn't have to... But i thought you guys could use a snack for during the game..." I say smiling...

"Chris... I swear to God... If you fuck it up with her i am going to kill you..." Seb says while taking a bite from the nachos and i giggle as Chris smiles... "I agree... She feeds us... If you ever so much as look at another woman i will smack, you on the head..." Anthony says stuffing a union ring in his mouth and i smile. Chris just smirks winking at me... "I'll go get you guys another beer..." I say and walk off... "Seriously man... She is a keeper..." I hear Anthony say... "Oh trust me... I know..." I hear Chris say back and i blush as i open the fridge grab 3 beers and walk back to the living room... I hand Anthony and Sebastian their beers and as i want to hand Chris his he pulls me into his lap... "Smart girl, feeding them... That is a sure way to win them over..." Chris whispers in my ear and i giggle... "I have my moments..." I whisper and he kisses me...

"So, Elle what do you do..." Sebastian asks and i blush... "I am a waitress..." I whisper and Sebastian smiles... "I guessed right... The way you carried all the plates at once gave you away..." He says smiling... "Really could have sworn she was a chef..." Anthony says stuffing his face with more union rings and i smile... "That was the plan... But life got in the way..." I mumble and Chris plants a kiss on my cheek... "There is still time..." Chris says and i give him a little smile knowing he is trying to make me feel good but it way too late for that...

"So, what brings you guys to Boston..." I ask wanting to change the subject as it is a sensitive one... "Boredom... And we haven't seen this idiot for a while... We were in New York and thought why not make the trip out here..." Seb says and i smile... "I think it is nice you guys are still so close..." I say and they all 3 nod and smile... "If you have worked on so many movies together you tent to get close..." Anthony says and i smile...

"I am going to get started on dinner... Enjoy the snacks..." I say and kiss Chris before getting of his lap... "If you need help just say so... You know getting something from the top shelves..." Chris says smirking and i chuckle before rolling my eyes...

While i get everything for dinner out of the fridge Chris appears and he stops me and pulls me in his arms and kisses me passionately... "You are amazing you know that..." He says and i blush... "Thank you... You are pretty amazing to..." I whisper and he smiles... "Do you really dont need help?" He asks and i chuckle and shake my head... "No..." I say in a sigh but with a smile on my face...

"I love this kitchen... I love cooking here..." I whisper and Chris smiles... "Well, you can cook here whenever you want..." He says grinning... "But dont think you have to... I dont expect you to..." He says and i smile... "I know... But i love it... This kitchen is a dream... I love cooking and seeing people eat and enjoy it..." I whisper and Chris smiles... "You are just the cutest..." He whispers and i giggle... "Besides... Someone has to feed you decent food..." I whisper and Chris laughs... "You want to take care of me?" He says smirking and i blush... "I have to admit... I kind of like it..." I whisper turning bright red looking at my feet...

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