Chapter 80

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"He lost a lot of blood..." The surgeon starts and my heart sinks... "It was touch and go for a long time we lost him twice..." He says and i feel my legs start to tremble as i brace myself for the worse... "But we managed to recover the bullet and repair the damage..." He says and i start to cry... "It is all up to him now... He is a fighter though... It helped that he was in good shape..." The surgeon says and i look at him with tears in my eyes... "Can i see him..." I whisper and the surgeon hesitates for a second looking at Faye in Dwayne's arms. "I'll stay here with her..." He says as i follow the surgeon's gaze... I nod... "Thank you..." I say and hug him and then the surgeon... "Thank you... Thank you..." I say wiping my tears... "I have to warn you... It is not a pretty sight... And he is not out of the woods yet... We dont know when he will wake up and how he will be when he does..." The surgeon says and i nod... 

I turn back to Dwayne who gives me a little smile and nod... "Go... I'll be here..." He says and i nod take his jacket off and hand it back to him before i follow the surgeon out... As we walk into the ICU i see a cop standing at a door and i want to throw up when i see the girl in a bed sleeping peacefully and for a moment i get scared... She is too close to Chris... The officer standing in front of her door nods at me and seems to notice my fear... "Dont worry... She is restrained... And we are here 24 hours until she is well enough to be transferred..." He says and i nod back at him...

The surgeon stops at a room and takes a deep breath... "I need you to stay calm..." He says and i nod... He opens the door and i slap my hand over my mouth. There are machines everywhere and the man lying in the bed looks nothing like my Chris... He looks so vulnerable... I walk in as i listen to the beeping of the machines... "He looks so pale..." I whisper... "The next 24 hours are critical..." The doctor says and i nod as i walk over to him... I brush my hand through his hair and kiss his forehead... "Hi baby..." I whisper and take his hand in mine... His hand is cold and i look at the surgeon... "He is cold..." I whisper and the surgeon nods but says nothing... 

"Press the button if you need anything..." The surgeon says and i nod as i sit down on the chair next to his bed... I kiss his hand trying to warm it up. The surgeon leaves and i am alone again... "Baby i need you to fight okay... We need you... You can't leave us now..." I whisper...

There is no answer... Only the sounds of the machines. I know it is ridiculous but i expected an answer. I need him to open his eyes and look at me... I need him to smile at me and tell me everything will be okay... I kiss his hand again... "I love you Chris... I love you so much... I am so sorry... I am sorry i opened the door... I should have listened... If i had listened, we would be home right now..." I say as tears run down my cheeks... 

"Faye is okay... She is sleeping in Dwayne's arms... But she needs her daddy... Your family needs you... I need you... We all love you... This can't be it... Do you hear me baby... You need to fight... You need to come back to us..." I say and i lay my head on his hand and close my eyes listening to the steady beeping of the machines...

I dont know how long i have been there when a nurse shows up... "Sorry to interrupt... But Mr. Johnson says that your baby is hungry..." She says and i nod... I hesitate and she seems to notice... "Dont worry... I will stay with him until you are back..." She says and i sigh and nod again..."I'll be right back baby... I need to go and take care of our little girl..." I whisper as i stand up and kiss his forehead again... It pains me to leave him, but Faye needs me to... I walk into the waiting room and Dwayne looks at me all guilty... "Sorry..." He says and i smile and shake my head... "Dont be..." I say and take Faye... "How is he doing?" Dwayne asks and i sigh... "Alive... Still out and he looks bad..." I whisper... 

"I answered your phone as it kept ringing... Your dad and Chris's mother are on the way... That was a few hours ago though... I think they will be here any minute now..." He says as i sit down to feed Faye... "Thank you... Thank you for everything..." I whisper and he smiles... I look at the time and realize i have been with Chris for hours... "I am sorry for taking up your time..." I whisper and Dwayne takes in a sharp breath... "Dont... No need to be sorry..." He says and i look at him all guilty... "You can go... I will take her with me..." I say but he shakes his head... 

"I will stay until your dad and Chris's mom are here... I dont think it is wise to take her with you..." He says and i sigh knowing he is right... "I am sorry i just dont want to leave him alone to long..." I say and Dwayne smiles and nods... "I understand... And stop saying sorry... I will be here as long as you need me... Dont worry about it..." He says and i sigh...

When i am done feeding Faye i kiss her little head and cuddle with her for a little longer before handing her back. "Go... I will be here... At least until your family arrives..." He says and i hug him... "Thank you..." I say and kiss Faye's little cheek. "I am sorry sweetheart... Mommy will be back soon..." I whisper and i walk off again. 

I walk back to Chris and kiss his forehead again before sitting down... I take his hand in mine... I rest my head on the bed as i feel exhaustion set in. I take a deep breath and close my eyes... Just a quick power nap... That is all i need, that and for Chris to open his eyes...

Be happy...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang