Chapter 51

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Chris is sound asleep... The few beers he had has knocked him out... As soon as he laid down and even before i could cuddle into him, he was out like a light... It resulted in me not being as comfortable as i would like... So, i had grabbed my pillow to get comfortable but it was not working... Maybe it was the nap i had taken that was keeping me up now...

According to Chris i had been out like a light cuddled up to Dodger and he and Scott had moved to the kitchen to let me sleep as i looked so comfortable... That and Dodger wouldn't let him pick me up... I was shocked by this and did not like it... No matter how protective Dodger was over me i didn't want him to keep Chris away from me...

But Chris assured me he did nothing bad and just kept nudging his hand away as he tried to pick me up... Scott had filmed it and after seeing it i was assured that it was all cute as he just wanted to cuddle with me... He was huffing, puffing and whining at Chris nothing aggressive just adorable...

We had dinner quite late and after dinner Scott went home... I told Chris how much trouble i had keeping it to ourselves that we were expecting a girl and he had smirked as he told me that he had the same struggle... But we were committed to keeping it to ourselves... We had spent some time online looking at stuff for our little girl and bought some thing to have delivered before going to bed... I was excited to finally be shopping for our little girl.

I turn around trying to get comfortable when i feel it... I pause to make sure it is, what i think it is... I push myself up and lay my hand on my belly and i feel it again... It is a kick... "This is definitely a kick, right?" I murmur to myself... Then i feel it again and i start to smile... I shake Chris as i feel our girl kick again... Chris groans and i sigh and roll my eyes... I am going to kill him if he is going to miss this... So, i shake him again desperate to wake him up... "Chris!" I say loudly as i do so... "Hmmm..." Is his response and i know he is half awake... So, i grab his hand and put it on my belly... He groans again but stops mid groan his eyes snapping open.

He scrambles up his hand still on my belly as he looks at me his eyes now wide open... "Is that?" He whispers in awe and i nod smiling but a tear runs down my cheek as i am so happy and emotional... "She is kicking..." I whisper and Chris now has tears in his eyes to... "She is kicking..." He says chuckling a big smile on his face and i can see he has all sorts of emotions going through his mind to... He gasps as he feels her kick again...

"Our girl is kicking..." He says every time she kicks. It is adorable and i can't stop looking at him as he has the biggest grin on his face with his eyes focused on my belly. "Our little Joy is kicking..." He whispers and i smile... Somehow, we started calling her Joy, it just came naturally... Because that is what she is... Our pride and Joy... We were not sure if that was what we would call her... I am going back and forth between Joy, Faye and Clover... Every day we would pull up the list and a name get crossed off getting closer to a final name...

All of a sudden Chris puts his hands on my face and kisses me... "She is kicking..." He murmurs into the kiss and i smile and nod... Chris keeps kissing me making me giggle as i rub my belly in circles in awe of the kicks i am feeling... "Thank you for waking me sweetheart..." He whispers and i smile... "Yeah, i was not going to let you miss out on her first kicks..." I whisper...

"Did it wake you?" He asks and i blush and shake my head... "No... I was awake..." I say and he looks at me raising an eyebrow... "Awake?" He asks and i nod... "You couldn't sleep? Why sweetheart... Something on your mind?" He asks before pecking my lips... "No... Just couldn't get comfortable..." I whisper and only then he notices the pillow... I dont know why but all of a sudden i start to cry...

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