Chapter 53

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Chris pov...

I smile as Elle is laying on the couch comfortable surrounded by a lot of pillows... Her feet are in my lap as i massage them... A plate of fruit balancing on her belly. While the nachos and popcorn she has made are sitting on the coffee table. "Enough pressure?" I ask and she nods smiling. I chuckle as she takes a bite of apple. I knew better than to try and steal a piece as she almost bit my head off, the other day for it.

Is it weird i like the mood swings? I love it when she pouts or almost bites my head off... I always have to bite my tongue to stop myself from smiling or laughing. It is just so out of character for her, and she just looks so adorable doing it... The only thing i hate is to see her cry. I can't stand to see her cry...

Her phone dings, and she tries to lean towards the coffee table to get her phone... I chuckle as i see her try and try grunting not asking for help because God forbid i will stop rubbing her feet. She loves it when i rub her feet, letting out little groans, moans and sighs...

I chuckle again and reach over to the table and hand her, her phone. "Thank you..." She says blushing as i continue rubbing her feet while we barely pay attention to the movie. She starts to giggle at her phone and typing and i look at her smirking... "Something funny?" I ask and she nods and turns the phone towards me... I chuckle when i see a picture of Mackie and Seb pulling funny faces fully dressed in their gear for their Marvel project... I smirk as i keep rubbing her feet. She lays back down humming and typing on her phone texting with Mackie and Seb... The text often, they are getting along great. Seb and Mackie really like Elle but then they like anyone who would feed them...

All of a sudden out of nowhere, she slaps her hand in front of her mouth and starts to sob. I look at her confused and shocked, one moment she was giggling at her phone talking with Mackie and Seb in the group chat they have and the next moment she is full on sobbing... "Sweetheart... What is wrong?" I ask moving taking the plate of fruit of her belly putting it on the table before pulling her up as she is full on crying... "Nothing it is stupid..." She says sobbing and i wrap her in my arms... "Sweetheart, please tell me..." I push a little, but she shakes her head still crying... "It is stupid and embarrassing... Even a little selfish..." She says between sobs and part of me doesn't want to push, but a bigger part of me is curious...

"It is okay... You can tell me..." I whisper. "It makes me sad that you never will be Steve again..." She says waling and i am stunned... "What?" I ask confused. "He is really deaaaaad..." She says completely in hysterics, sobbing uncontrollably and i just dont know what to say as this comes out of nowhere... I take her phone to see what in their conversation brought this on...

I groan when i see a picture of a head stone saying Steve Rogers... I sigh and hold her a little tighter... I always said i would not go back to that role. It was a closed chapter and i know that has she not been hormonal and pregnant i am sure she would not have this reaction. But i know that after everything that happened with Rick that role has been a big comfort to her. She told me watching Marvel helped taking her mind of things...She has always loved Marvel but after he died it became her distraction her escape from everything.

I was and still am her favorite, which always made me proud... I was proud that even when i didn't know her, i was sort of a comfort to her... She was a fan... I never expected to end up with a fan... But God i was glad i did, having someone who is supportive and loving what you are doing is great... Ma said it better than i ever could... If your future wife is not your biggest fan, why bother marrying her... Ma really believed that someone who really liked my work was the best thing as they would be way more supportive than someone who is indifferent to it all... But now it was working against me... I know it was mostly the pregnancy hormones but still i hated to see her so sad... I swear i love her so much that if i have to play him again to stop her from crying i will do it...

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