Chapter 92

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Chris pov...

I wake up to giggling a door slamming shut and a loud crash followed by even harder laughing... I had fallen asleep on the couch after putting Faye down for the night. I sit up and rub my eyes stretching myself out... It is safe to say Elle is home as i recognize that giggle everywhere... 

It had been strange being home alone in the evening. Elle was reluctant to leave to and it made me smile as i just loved that she wanted to be around me as much as possible. Being apart just felt strange. But i wanted her to have fun with the girls. She needed a night with the girls... It was her bachelorette party and i just wanted her to enjoy it... The girls had ripped her a new one when she had asked if i could come along... Their words, the groom is not allowed to tag along on the bachelorette party.

Seeing her in her little cute white dress made me wish i could though. For a second i contemplated of throwing Eve and Skyler out and just peel the dress off of her. She looked so sexy... White looked good on her and i couldn't wait to marry her just to see her in her dress... 

I walk into the hallway and Elle is laughing hysterically laying on the ground. "Honey am home..." She squeals as she sees me. Her speech is slurred, and her eyes are glossy. She is drunk... Really drunk... I chuckle... I look at the time and it is 4 in the morning. Most have been some bachelorette party... "Hello sweetheart..." I say crouching down... "Did you have a nice time?" 

She nods and i smirk. Her hair is messy and so is her make up and still she is beautiful... Her dress is not really white anymore and she is only wearing one shoe... "Sweetheart... Where is your other shoe?" I ask smirking...  She looks at her feet and shrugs her shoulders... "I donow..." She mumbles and tries to stand up failing miserably... 

But then i see it and i start to laugh... She has a sash wrapped around her that says Future Mrs. America's ass... With little drawings of Captain America's ass. "What is this...?" I ask and she starts to giggle... "America's ass..." She giggles... "My ass soon..." She says grabbing me and kissing me... I can taste the alcohol and i just grin... "It is already your ass sweetheart..." I say and she smiles at me... 

"You bet your ass it is..." She says squeezing my ass and i laugh... She is adorable drunk... I have never seen her this drunk before and i know she is going to regret this in the morning... "Let's make a baby..." She says hanging onto me and i laugh... "Let's get you to bed sweetheart..." I say and she tries to wink at me. I say try because she closes both eyes... I stand up and pull her on her feet... "Wheeeee..." She squeals twirling and i just watch amused... 

"They had a Captain America stripper..." She blurts out and i look at her with wide eyes... "Did they now..." I growl. I am not mad but more curious and intrigued... We had a long talk about the usual bachelor party things. We agreed watching was okay but no lap dances and no touching... I was surprised by this as i was okay with no strippers at all... I had told Scott i would rather not have strippers as it was just asking for trouble. The girls had come to me before they planned the party to ask if i was okay with that... It was sweet. After that they asked Elle who was indifferent and told them her boundaries and from what i heard they respected that...  

"Yeah... He was boring... I let the girls have their fun..." She says scoffing before slapping my ass... "Why deal with AliExpress Captain America when i have the real deal at home..." She says and i laugh shaking my head... She stumbles into me with a lazy smile on her face... "Good girl..." I say and kiss her while wrapping her in my arms... She squeezes my ass... 

"He went home with Kelly..." Elle giggles and i just shake my head... "Okay time for bed sweetheart..." I say and i wrap my arm around her ready to lead her to the bedroom... "Ooh Yeah... Baby time...."  She says putting her hands in the air... "No... No baby time... Sleepy time..." I say and she pouts at me... "Aaaaahw come on hot stuff... Put a baby in me..." She says trying to undress me and i laugh... 

"Not right now... You had a little bit too much to drink..." She looks at me shocked... "Who? Me?  Naaaah... I had only this much Disaronno sours..." She says and she holds up her hands counting on her fingers. "I dont have enough fingers..." She whispers in shock looking at me with those big, beautiful eyes. I look at her stunned. Oh, she is really going to regret this in the morning. 

We reach the bedroom, and she wants to crawl into the bed immediately but i pull her towards the bathroom. I close the lit of the toilet and sit her down... "Okay let's get you cleaned up for bed..." I say and she just smiles with her eyes closed... "Oh, Stop! Open your eyes sweetheart..." I say as she almost falls of the toilet, and it is so hard to not just burst out laughing... 

I sink down on my knees in front of her with the makeup wipes... She looks at me her eyes barely open... "I missed you..." She whispers and i smile as i start to wipe the makeup off. "I missed you to sweetheart... But did you at least have a little fun..." I ask and she nods with her eyes now fully closed. 

She is fighting sleep and i can't help but smile as she just looks so adorable... "Can you strip for me... I didn't like the stripper... It felt wrong to watch another man undress..." She mumbles letting out a sigh and i laugh... I have to admit this is good for my ego. All of a sudden, she opens her eyes... "Are you mad?" She whispers tears now springing in her eyes... "No sweetheart i am not mad..." I whisper untangling her hair... "I trust you and we talked about it... We are good..." I say smiling and we really are... 

"Didn't like it..." She mumbles and she puts her head on my shoulder... "Elle?" I say softly as her body goes limp... But all i get as an answer is light snoring... I just chuckle... "Okay time for bed..." I sigh and stand up lifting her up... I put her on the bed and sigh as i think on how to get her out of the dress. She will kill me when i let her sleep in the dirty thing... I see a zipper and pull it down... It takes some struggling as she is just out like a light, and she doesn't wake up but i finally have her out of the dress. I grab one of my shirts and put it on her before tucking her in... 

I walk out of the bedroom and close up the house for the night before crawling in bed next to her and wrapping her in my arms... Soon i am back to sleep to.... 

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