Chapter 78

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I wait for the darkness to take me... But it doesn't come...Maybe it doesn't hurt... Maybe i am not feeling anything because i am dead... Maybe the bullet killed me at once... But i quickly realize i am not dead as i hear a thump followed by whaling like an animal in pain and yelling lots of yelling... I look up and see a police officer lower his gun... When i look i see the girl laying on the floor moaning and squirming in pain... I look at her and feel nothing... Where you normally feel sorry if someone is in pain... I feel nothing... The officer rushes over and kicks the gun out of her hand... 

I look up at him but i dont feel relief. Everything is fuzzy as tears stream down my face... "Please... Please safe him... Please he is bleeding..." I scream... An officer rushes over and takes over from me pressing on the wound... "Baby please wake up..." I say as gently slap his cheek, trying to wake him up... "Come on baby..." I whisper in his ear as i kiss him hoping he will wake up... "Please baby i can't live without you... Please..." I say crying... 

"I hear a baby... Is the baby, okay?" I hear being yelled and i look up at a female police officer... "Yes... She never came near the baby... She is in the nursery... With the dog..." I say crying my eyes out and i want to get up... As much as it pains me i know i need to go and get my little girl... But the female officer puts her hand on my shoulder pushing me back to the floor... "Dont worry... Stay with him I'll go get her..." She says in a comforting tone giving me a reassuring smile and i cry as i put my face against Chris's... 

"You saved her... Our little girl is okay... You saved us both... But now i need you to fight... We need you... Faye needs her daddy..." I whisper and all of a sudden i hear barking and screaming and i hear Dodger running towards me... He is barking and just before he reaches me an officer catches him... "It is okay buddy... It is okay..." I say as the officer lets him near us for a second so i can calm him down before he pulls him back...

I dont know how long i am like this when i get pulled away kicking and screaming... "Shhh they need to take care of him..." I hear the officer say as he holds me tight making it that i can't get to Chris while i see paramedics crouch down around him... "Let them do their job..." He says in a soft tone trying to calm me down... "Please... Please let me go..." I plead with him, but he doesn't... "Please... Please" I plead but it is no use, and my body goes limp as i sink to the floor... He lowers me crouching down with me... I dont even listen to him as he talks to me... I watch them cut open Chris his shirt and work on him... "He needs to live..." I whisper... "He needs to live..." I whisper over and over again...

"She needs her mother..." I hear and i look up at the female officer holding Faye, a crying Faye... She is talking to another officer... Our eyes meet and she crouches down with Faye... "She wants her mommy... Are you okay to take her? You need to be strong for your little girl..." She asks and i stretch my arms out and take Faye in my arms holding her close... "Shhhhh... Shhhh..." I whisper rocking her back and forth still sitting on my knees my eyes focused on Chris. I cling onto Faye... "I am so sorry sweetheart... I am so sorry..." I whisper as guilt sinks in...  

I take a deep breath as i watch them load Chris on a stretcher... Tears are still streaming down my face... Then my eyes fall on the girl... She is alive whining and moaning. Complaining that it hurts as paramedics work on her to... I see red... I want to walk over to her... But i get stopped... "IF HE DIES, I WILL KILL YOU!!!" I scream... "YOU HEAR ME!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!" I scream. I feel two arms grab me tighter... "Calm down... Calm down... Think of your little girl..." I hear and i cry even harder... 

"We are taking him to the hospital..." I hear and snap out of it and focus back on Chris... "I want to go with him..." I say stumbling forward... The paramedic shakes his head... I feel myself getting angry... "I am going with him..." I growl ready to fight them on it and take a few steps forward, but the officer stops me again... "You can't ride with him in the ambulance... They need the room to work on him if necessary and you dont want your little girl to see that even if she is just a baby... You dont want to see that..." He says and i know he is right... "But..." I say as i feel desperation setting in... The idea he possibly spends his last moments without us hurts... "But we will ride behind them... We will follow them..." He says and i look at the officer... He gives me a reassuring smile... I nod and give in... I take a deep breath as i know i need to pull myself together... Chris needs me... He needs me to be strong for the both of us now... For the 3 of us... Because i need him to not be worried about me and Faye... I need him to focus on surviving and coming back to us...

"Quickly get the things you need..." The officer says and i snap out of my daze shaking my head knowing i need to be quick. I am pushing all my emotions down and go full, automatic pilot... Chris needs me, and Faye needs me... I rush to grab Faye her diaper bag. I grab my own purse and phone. As i get back to the hallway i see them wheel Chris out. I see the girl being lifted on a stretcher to. 

"What about the dog?" I hear somewhere being yelled and i take a deep breath... "Pull yourself together... You can keep crying later... Think rationally... You need to be strong now..." I mumble to myself... My mind races as i know that Dodger can't go with us... "Dwayne..." I say to the officer... He looks at me confused... "Colleague of Chris... Dwayne Johnson... The rock..." I say getting annoyed... "Take Dodger to him..." I say and he nods... "It is the only person around here that i know and trust to take care of Dodger. I know without a doubt he will take him." I say and the officer nods again... 

"Can we go now..." I say as i am scared that the ambulance takes off and we are not behind it... The officer nods and leads to a police car... But before i get in i walk over to the ambulance... I ignore the protests as i walk in and kiss Chris his forehead... I then let Faye Chris his forehead, sort off... "Hold on you hear... Hold on... You better not die on me..." I say and look at the paramedic... He nods and i walk out and to the police car again... I am sitting in the back of the police car as i watch the lights and sirens of the ambulance turn on and it drives off as a bat out of hell taking Chris away from me... But the officer drives off and i just hope and pray Chris will still be alive when i see him again... He has to... 

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