Chapter 67

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We walk through the door of the house that is home for the next 3 months. I was already missing our home. Chris was starting filming tomorrow with Dwayne...But i know i would not like being apart from Chris for 3 months. I had been anxious about traveling with Faye, but she had done great and i did not have to feel guilty is she did start crying seeing as we flew private... But she had not... Dodger had been watching over her as we were up in the air and every time, she was about to cry he comforted her. It was the cutest thing ever. He is such a good big dog brother.

The house is beautiful i have to give Chris that... It was light and spacious. I look behind me and smile as Chris is carrying in the bags, Dodger running in as he had let him out the car... I pat his head as he sits down next to me... Normally he would run around and explorer but ever since Faye was born, she was his focus... 

"Do you like it?" He asks as he sees me looking around and i smile at him... "It is not home... But it is nice... We will make it feel like home for the next 3 months..." I say and he smiles back at me before walking over. He cups my face and plants a soft kiss on my lips. "I know you miss home sweetheart... But i am so happy you and Faye are here with me..." He whispers and that makes all my anxiety disappear. "Home is wherever you are anyway... I would not have been happy being home alone and not seeing you for 3 months... And your forgot Dodger..." I whisper and Chris kisses me again this time with more hunger... "No i did not... He is right there..." He says pointing and i giggle... "You are not happy he is here...?" I ask and he realizes his mistake and smirks... "Yes, i am very happy he is here to..." He murmurs. Dodger barks and i giggle... "I think you offended him..." I whisper and he chuckles and pats Dodger's head before looking at me with a big smile again...

"I love you sweetheart..." He whispers and i smile... "Love you to, handsome..." I whisper back and then Faye starts to protest and we both giggle focusing our attention on her. "Someone is jealous..." Chris cooed and lifted her out of my arms and kissed her little cheek making her smile... I chuckle and roll my eyes... "Already such a daddy's girl..." I whisper and he grins... He sighs and hugs her... I know he is struggling with the fact he is going to be away during the day. 

"Chris... It will be okay... You will see her every night when you come home to us..." I whisper and he sighs again... "I know... And i know i am being a big baby... I know that there are people who dont even get the time with their little one we do... But i can't help but feel like shit, like i am abandoning you both..." He says and i step closer to him and hug him...

"You are not... You are providing for us... Taking care of your family..." I say and i look up and start to smirk... He looks back at me and grins as he caresses my cheek... "What are you smirking about, sweetheart..." He whispers and i giggle. "Oh, i was thinking about going shopping with Faye and Dodger... Spend your hard-earned money as you make it..." I say and he smirks... "Sweetheart... I swear you dont know how to spend money..." He says smirking and i gasp... "I swear i had more expenses when i was alone..."  He murmurs and i laugh... "That is because you didn't cook and ordered in all the time... And had to spend money on those bitches to keep them satisfied... You keep me satisfied in other ways i dont need you to spend money on me..." I say winking at him and he laughs... 

"But i am going to go shopping for toys and clothes for her seeing as we left most of her toys at home... And for Dodger of course can't leave him out..." I say and he smiles... "Yes, mommy is going to spoil you both..." Chris cooed at Faye and i chuckle. "Like you would want it any other way..." I mumble and he smirks, kisses me and takes a deep breath... "Nope... I love spoiling my girls..." He says and i feel the butterflies in my stomach starting to act up when he calls us his girls. Dodger barks and i laugh and Chris shakes his head... "And you bud... I love to spoil you to..." He says and i smirk. 

I smile as Faye is falling asleep in his arms all tired from traveling... "Let's go check out the nursery they have set up for Faye..." Chris says and i nod as he takes my hand and leads me through the house. The nursery has everything you need. The room is not my taste but that does not matter it is just temporary. I smile as i see the same baby monitor, we have at home. Chris had been really specific to his assistant who had set up the nursery for us. The owner of the house did not mind turning a room into a nursery and was willing to take the furniture out, but we had to provide everything ourselves. Chris his assistant had left a week before us to set everything up. 

We put Faye down to sleep and installed the monitor before leaving the room. Dodger had installed himself in front of the crib... He is on guard duty like always it did not matter that we were not at home.  I let out a sigh of relief that she fell asleep right away... I then look at Chirs and smirk... "So... That rests us with only one other thing to do on my checklist..." I whisper and he looks at me confused... I giggle as i take his hand and pull him closer and when i let go i wrap my arms around his neck and jump... He catches me and i wrap my legs around his waist... "All we need to do now is find our bedroom..." I whisper hovering my lips over his before kissing him and he groans... 

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