Chapter 21

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Chris pov...

I watch Elle as we are sitting in the back of the car on our way to the hotel and smile... She is looking out the window... She has this big smile on her face as she looks at Paris... She is in awe... She looks beautiful even after and 8-hour flight... She tried to stay awake on the flight but failed and fell asleep on my shoulder... I didn't wake her... We hadn't had much sleep and she just looked so peaceful so i had taken the book out of her hand and asked the crew for a blanket... I had draped it over her, and she had slept for most of the flight Dodger's head in her lap...

I am just so happy she is here with me... I am just so happy to have her by my side... She makes me so happy... My family loves her... My friends love her and i love her... Everyone just adores her, but this doesn't surprise me one bit... I love her more than i ever thought i would love anyone... The scariest moment of my life was when i thought she was in danger... Her calling me scared out of her mind that someone was breaking into the house still haunts me a little and i was so relieved when i pulled up with the police to look into the shocked face of Dwayne and she was actually not in danger...

She looked so scared and fragile on the floor of the bathroom crying her eyes out it broke my heart. But she was also so strong pulling herself together and just continuing on with the preparations for the party... But now she had the biggest smile on her face and seeing her so happy now looking out the window with that twinkle in her eyes is the most beautiful thing ever...

I feel a bit sad that i dont have the time to take her to the Eifel tower or the Pont des Arts... to leave a lock... Or do anything romantic a i am practically hit the floor running... But I made sure we had a hotel room with a view on the Eifel tower as we had to leave early in the morning for the house... In the afternoon i would have a fitting and the day after that filming would start... But i would see her every day when i got home and that was a great feeling... She is here with me and i couldn't be happier about that...

The car pulls up to the hotel and the door is opened and i get out and hold out my hand for Elle to take and she steps out followed by Dodger who is always staying close to her... But he is clingier than ever since the day of the party... Dodger loves her dad to... He was following him around and even slept in the guestroom with him... Her father fit in perfectly and i was just so glad that he accepted my invitation... He is important to her so i think it is important that he gets along with my family and my family all seems to like him...

Ma even joked that i better not hurt Elle or her dad could snap me in half... Scott was just in shock asking how such a big man could have such a petite daughter... That was another thing i loved the fact that Elle and Scott got along so great... They gave me the scare of my life jumping out on me scaring me so much i dropped to the floor... But i didn't care about them ganging up to me... I would get them back and most important they got along...

We check into the hotel and get brought up to our suite... I tip the man who brought our bags up and close the door... I smile as i see Elle has walked onto the balcony already and is taking a picture of the Eifel tower probably to send to her friends and father... I smile as i see the champagne in the cooler along with some food i had asked them to put up for our arrival... I lift the lid and grin at the chocolate covered strawberries... Maybe it was a bit cliche... But I just wanted it to be a special night to make up for the fact i couldn't take her to all the romantic spots...

I walk out on the balcony and wrap my hands around her waist kissing her cheek... "Isn't it beautiful...?" She whispers and i watch her smile... "Stunning..." I whisper but i dont mean the Eifel tower. She looks up at me and smiles... I take her phone and turn our backs to the few and take a few pictures of us both with the Eifel tower in the back... I hand her the phone back and she looks at the pictures a big smile on her face... Dodger barks as to say what about me and she giggles and crouches down to her level next to him and takes a picture of them both... They then both look up at me and i chuckle and crouch down to and we take a picture of the 3 of us...

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