Chapter 29

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"Elle Taylor..." I say shyly to the security guy, and he nods hands me a visitor badge and lets me through... I feel lost as people are running around and i have no idea where to go... "Excuse me..." I say to this woman who walks past me, but she just keeps walking...

"Excuse me..." I say this time to a man... "Sorry no time!" He yells making me jump a little bit. Dodger presses himself harder against me and i look around... I dont even know if i should go left or right... It is intimidating to be here alone with Dodger... I look around everyone is in a rush and i feel lost. "Maybe this was not a good idea..." I mumble biting back tears as i am overwhelmed by the chaos around me...

"Excuse me..." I ask a woman who is walking past me, but she just ignores me... I sigh and look around... I try to decide which way to go but i dont know... Someone bumps into me, and Dodger starts to growl... "Watch it lady and restrain the mut..." The man yells at me and i can't contain my tears anymore... "It is okay buddy... I am okay..." I whisper stroking Dodgers head with tears in my eyes... But i am not okay... I can't stop my tears anymore and they are streaming down my face...

"You! With the dog... What are you doing here..." A woman yells in an accent i can't place but she is probably from around here... She walks over to me... "I uhm am here to see Chris..." I whisper this woman is twice my size and she seems like she just walked off a catwalk... "He is very busy and doesn't have time for his dog sitter right now... Is there something wrong with the dog...?" She asks me her tone of voice harsh...

"But..." I start to say but she holds up her hand... "I am his assistant and right now i am telling you he has not time... So, scoot... Get out of here... Dont make me call security..." She says with a grin on her face... I am just stunned but above all humiliated... "Okay..." I whisper and turn around and walk away with Dodger glued to my leg...

I am about to exit the set when i hear my name being called... "Elle!" I hear but i keep walking i am not in the mood to get humiliated yet again... "Elle!" The voice yells again and i turn around and i look in the face of Ana... "What is wrong...?" She asked with a shocked look on her face immediately hugging me... "Why are you crying... Are you okay... Are you hurt, is Dodger hurt?" She asks and she releases me from the hug and i shake my head...

"Let's go find Chris..." She says taking me by the arm but i shake my head... "I was told he didn't have time and i had to leave..." I whisper and she looks at me confused before she looks at her watch... "Nonsense... He is about to have lunch... Let's go..." She says and i have no choice but to walk with her as she drags me away with Dodger quickly following us... "Besides i think no matter how busy he is, he will make time for you..." She says smiling and i take a deep breath as i can barely keep up...

Finally, i can recognize Chris in a sea of people and Ana yells out for him... "Chris look who i found..." She yells and he turns around smiles but as i come closer and he sees i have been crying the smile turns into a look of worry... He says something to the person he was talking to and rushes over...

"Sweetheart... What is wrong?" He asks wrapping me in his arms and the damn burst and i start to full out sob... "Apparently she was told to leave... That you didn't have time..." Ana says answering for me and Chris cups my face making me look at him while he wipes away my tears with his thumbs... "Who told you that sweetheart?" He asks a look of worry mixed with anger now on his face but i dont have to answer the question as it is being answered for us...

"Oh god... You again... I told you Mr. Evans doesn't have time... I am so sorry sir... I dont know how she got through... I told her to leave..." The woman starts to go off at me... "You told her to leave?" Chris asks and i can see he is trying to contain himself as he looks like he is about to explode.

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