Chapter 26

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"Hello father..." I said smirking as he walked through the front door with Chris... "Hello daughter..." He said smirking back at me... I walked over to him and hugged him tightly Dodger jumping around us excitedly barking and Chris smirked trying to get him to calm down...

Dad released me and crouched down... "Yes, buddy it is good to see you to..." He says patting his head and Dodger licked his face... Chris smirked but his face was all puffy as if he had been crying and now that i look at dad, he seemed the same... "What happened?" I say putting my hands on my hips... "What do you mean?" They both asked simultaneously trying to look innocent... Dad stood back up and smirked...

"Nothing happened princess..." Dad says and i squint my eyes at him... "Then why do both of you look like you have been crying..." I say and he smirks... "I was just very happy to see Chris... Brought me to tears... Especially because of the mustache... It brought tears to my eyes..." He says still smirking and Chris turns bright red... "Dad...!" I say and he sighs... "I promise you, i have been nothing but nice..." He says and Chris nod smiling... I sigh and let it go...

"That mustache is ridiculous though..." He says laughing and looking at Chris who laughs to... "DAD!" I say and he chuckles and hugs me again... "I missed you princess..." He says holding me tight and i sigh and let it go and hum... "Missed you to dad..." I mumble my voice muffled...

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask him, pulling out of the hug but dad shakes his head... "Ate and slept on the plane like a king... I am ready to vacation!" He says smirking and i chuckle... "Well okay than because Chris is taking us to set today so we can see what he actually does..." I say blushing and dad look surprised... "Do they build sets there and stuff?" Dad asks and Chris and i look at each other and burst out laughing... "Yes dad... Chris already arranged for you to have a tour of one of the crew guys who is in charge of the building of sets or however they call it..." I say and his face lights up...

"Can i take a quick shower?" He asked and i smile and nod... I show him to his room and point everything out and leave... I walk to the kitchen where Chris is sitting drinking coffee... "So, want to tell me what is going on?" I ask him and he looks up and pulls me between his legs and kisses me passionately... "Nothing is going on sweetheart..." He whispers and i am dazed by his kiss...

"Promise?" I murmur and he chuckles running his thumb over my lips as his hand cups my face... "Promise..." He whispers and i sigh... "Okay..." I mumble and he kisses me again... "I love you Elle..." He murmurs and i smile. "Love you to..." I whisper... "You look very cute today..." He murmurs and plays with the straps of my sundress... "Thank you..." I whisper as he plants a kiss in my neck making me bite my lip to suppress a moan...

"Ahum..." We hear and pull apart... I turn bright red as my dad stands there showered and ready to go... Chris is bright red to... We had gotten so comfortable here and around each other and with no one around just couldn't keep our hands to ourselves... But now that dad is here, we had to rein in the PDA... I didn't want dad to be uncomfortable...

"Is everyone ready to go?" Chris asks and i nod and so does dad... I grab my bag and Chris took my hand as we walked to the car... Dodger was laying in the back seat with me his head in my lap as i slowly stroked him... We drove to the set and i gasp as it is this massive castle... Dad has the biggest smirk on his face while Chris who is used to all this just drives on slowly... We get stopped by security but as soon as they see it is Chris, they hand him the visitor passes for me and dad and he drives on...

He parks the car and after we get out takes my hand while i hold Dodgers leash... He is glued to my side and even dad seems to notice that he is clingy... "Please stay close... It is crazy town sometimes dont want you to get lost or hurt..." Chris says to me and dad, but mostly me and we both nod... A woman walks up to us immediately and Chris introduces us to his assistant for his time here... The woman gives us a nod and we follow her to a trailer and says that they need Chris on set... Chris sighs and i smile... "It is okay..." I say and he smiles back... While Chris gets ready dad and i wait and then follow him to set...

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