Chapter 54

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"Chris..." I whisper shaking him a little... He is asleep... It is 2 in the morning and i had woken up with a craving for Mc Donalds... I dont know why as i never was a big fan... But all of a sudden i was wide awake and all i could think about was a Bic Mac and fries...

The last few weeks had gone by in a whim... The nursery was done my dad had made beautiful furniture... I am 32 weeks pregnant now and i was so excited to meet our baby girl... We had finally settled on a name. We had a checkup yesterday and our girl was doing so good. She was healthy and happy... The kicking had become harder and although it was sometimes uncomfortable i was so happy every time i felt her kick... I was so happy every time i felt her move in my belly. Everything was arranged for the birth... From doctors to nurses to a private room... Everything to make me comfortable and make sure we would have privacy and it not turning into a media circus...

"Chris..." I whisper again shaking him a bit harder this time... "Hmmm..." He groans moving a little and i giggle... I know i should let him sleep but i really, really, really, really want a Big Mac and fries... and maybe a milkshake... Cravings are so weird... All you can think about is that one thing it can be so frustrating as you won't stop thinking about it until you have some and i would get so grumpy if i would ignore my cravings... I ate the most ridiculous things... And i finally gave in and ate a pickle... Which turned into an obsession for pickles for 2 days until it was disgusting again... Chris at first had watched amused until i started to dip the pickles in all sorts of things... Once in a while he would try one of my cravings but most of the time, he found it disgusting and could not understand how i could eat those things...

"Chris... Can you wake up please..." I say a little louder and he opens his eyes sitting up immediately... "Are you okay... Is our little girl, okay?" He asks with a hint of panic in his voice and i blush biting my lip while nodding... "Yeah, yeah i am fine... Our girl is fine... But..." I say pausing turning bright red and he looks at me a little confused... "Can we go to Mc Donalds?" I whisper and he groans dropping himself back in his pillow... He looks at the time and groans again... "Sweetheart it is 2 in the morning..." He whines... "I know... But the baby really, really, really wants a Big Mac..." I whisper and he turns to me with a smirk on his face... "The baby?" He asks with a smirk on his face... "Yes..." I whisper pouting and he chuckles... "Please Chris..." I whisper batting my eyes at him and he groans...

He rolls on his side and pulls me into him... I know what he is doing he is trying to distract me... He is trying to make me forget so we can stay in bed... "Please..." I whisper and he sighs... He lets out a chuckle... "You are not going back to sleep until 'the baby' has a Big Mac, are you?" He hums and i giggle... "A Big Mack, some fries and maybe a banana milkshake..." I whisper and Chris laughs before letting out a big sigh...

"Okay... Fine..." He groans but with a smile on his face... "If our girl wants to go to Mc Donalds, we go to Mc Donalds..." He says and i let out a little squeal... Chris chuckles as i scurry out of his arms and try to get off the bed. I am struggling to sit up... I feel two hands help me sit up and i giggle again... I waddle into the closet and put on one of his shirts and sweatpants... It is way too big but o so comfortable...

I just love wearing his clothes as they sit comfortable around my belly... "Can you roll up the legs of my pants..." I whisper blushing waddling out of the closet and Chris grins... He kneels down and rolls up my pant legs so i wont trip over them... I steady myself on him and he looks up at me with a little grin on his face... He grabs my new sneakers. I had bought them last week as i due to my swollen feet couldn't comfortably fit in my old ones anymore... He slipped them on my feet and i blush as he ties my laces... Chris is so caring and loving always ready and willing to do whatever i need... Backrubs, foot rubs, food runs, helping me get dressed, tying my shoes, helping me in and out the bath. Nothing was too much... And with nothing i mean nothing...

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