Chapter 72

373 23 2

Chris pov

"He sweetheart. Ready to go home?" I say smiling as i walk into the trailer. ready to go home and spend an evening with my girls cuddling on the couch. Elle nods and stands up as she is holding a sleeping Faye in her arms. I want to kiss her, but she dodges me. "Yeah, let's go..." She mumbles and i look at her confused. "Everything okay?" I ask and Elle nods again. "Yeah, i am fine." She mumbles and she hands me the keys of her car. I take them and want to pull her in my arms, but she avoids me... "Elle...?" I say as there is obviously something wrong... "Just a headache..." She mumbles and i look at her a little worried.

"I am sorry sweetheart... Let's get you home so you can relax..." I say smiling but all i get back is a nod. "Do you want me to take Faye?" I ask but she shakes her head. "No i got her..." She mumbles and walks out. I watch her as she walks out and i am confused. I know she has a headache, but she seems cold and distant... Normally when she is not feeling well, she wants cuddle and kisses especially when she has a headache... I watch her walk out the trailer with Faye leaving me standing there utterly confused. I shake it off, she really must be not feeling well and want to go home. I grab her bag and follow her out... 

"Chris..." I hear and turn around. I groan. Her again. My temporary assistant as my regular assistant is at a wedding and could not be here just yet. This temporary girl was annoying continuously hanging around and she was very touchy. In the beginning i had laughed it away but as the day continued i had just stayed out of her reach. I try to think of her name... I know the girl has introduced herself but for the love of me i can't remember her name... 

"Yes?" I sigh giving up on figuring out her name. I look at Elle who looks annoyed rolls her eyes and just walks off. "Are you going home already?" She asks and i look at her confused... "Uhm yes..." I say and she giggles. "Okay... I am going to go now..." I say as Elle is already nowhere to be seen... "But..." The girls says and i sighs... "But?" I ask and she smiles... "I thought maybe we could..." She starts to say and i look at her annoyed before taking a deep breath. "Never mind... Have a nice evening..." She whispers blushing and i shake my head and walk off... 

My mind is racing as to what just happened, why did Elle just walk off. Maybe she was feeling worse than she let on. When i finally catch up with Elle she is already at the car... She doesn't even look at me. She has put on her sunglasses and is waiting for me to open the car doors as i had the keys... I press the button, and she opens the door and puts Faye in the car seat. While i put the pram in the trunk of the car. I look at Elle as she is putting the baby in the car seat, and she is sniffling a bit. I close the trunk of the car and walk over to Elle...

"Do we need to go to a doctor sweetheart?" I ask and Elle looks up at me. She looks at me her face is all tense. "No... Just want to go home..." She says harshly and i am taken aback by her reaction. "If you really are not feeling well maybe we should have you checked out..." I say worried and she scoffs. 

"You can't be that stupid..." She hisses and i look at her shocked. "What?? Elle? What is going on..." I say as i get the feeling that i am missing something and it annoys me...  "Nothing, now just take me fucking home..." She snaps at me and i am just stunned. She never ever has talked to me like this. But i dont want to hash it out in the parking lot so i open the car door for her and she gets in not even waiting for me to shut it as she grabs it and slam it shut. 

I take a deep breath and walk around the car and get behind the wheel. I look at Elle who is looking out the window and i sigh. I put my hand on her leg, but she swats it away. "Okay... Elle what is going on... Please talk to me..." I whisper feeling more anxious by the second. 

When she turns to me i can see a glimpse of her face and it is red and puffy as if she has been crying... "Elle... Please..." I say taking her hand in mine and this time she lets me touch her... "Faye laughed today... Really laughed like a giggle..." She whispers and i smile at her... "Really?" I ask all excited and she nods but she doesn't smile... "Yes, and i was going to see you so you would miss it..." She says and i take a deep breath... "Okay... Why didn't you sweetheart..." I whisper a little sad as she obviously had not and i missed it... She looks at me takes of her glasses and she looks really pissed... "Well i didn't want to interrupt your flirting session with your assistant..." She bites at me and i feel the blood drain from my face...

"What?! I was not..." I say and she scoffs. "Just take me home Chris..." She growls and i sigh... "Sweetheart... I was not..." I start to say but she holds up her hand... "Stop talking and just drive... I want to go home. Faye will wake up soon and she needs a bath and eat... So can you just... Drive..." She says and i sigh... I know right now anything i say will not come through so i just start the car... 

I dont feel like talking about this in the car anyway and rather have this discussion in the privacy of our own home. As i drive home i think about my interactions with... God what is her name again... I really can't remember. When was there an interaction that Elle could have perceived as flirting. I sigh as the only thing what i can come up with is the beginning which i tried to laugh off but removed myself from pretty quickly... I sigh and look at Elle who has a face as a storm cloud and i know i am in deep shit...

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