Chapter 160: Bites of the Past

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The tension outside was a palatable mix of danger and sensuality, an intoxicating blend that both unnerved and excited the two women who held each others gaze in the bright moonlight, none stepping back to let another prevail.

"Your wit remains as sharp as ever, I see"

Sunaka purred, her voice a sultry tease as she delicately ran her feminine long fingers across Kirari's slender 90° edged shoulder. Their history was a complex tapestry of love and rivalry, woven with threads of passion and an insatiable hunger for control. It seems she could hardly forget all their memories enshrined into the depths of the soft white Japanese futons, their deep sighs and motions, hand in hand, body on top of body beneath, dripping with moistness.

"But can you withstand my poison, I wonder?"

Sunaka's words dripped with mischief, her raspberry painted nails tracing the contours of Kirari's collarbone with an intimacy that suggested familiarity and a memory of what once was. Her red heels clicked on the stone floor beneath, asserting her presence.

"Be my guest, and try me so"

Kirari responded, her oceanic blue eyes closing, surrendering herself to the mystery of what Sunaka had in store. She knew the other woman all too well - the way she danced on the edge of unpredictability, always striking when least expected, like a serpent ready to bite it's prey out of the midst of the nightly shadows that danced.

As if to prove her point, Sunaka withdrew a dagger, its sharp edge glinting ominously in the dim light as it reflected the moonlight of the full yellow moon. She plunged it toward Kirari's abdomen, but found it refused to pierce the fabric. Kirari's response was a challenge laden with daring and intrigue.

"What's the matter? Have you lost your touch?"

With a steady hand, Kirari took firm hold over her hands, and guided the dagger further into herself with a sheer plunging force, a barrier of unknown origin shielding her from its lethal intent.

"What are you waiting for, Sunaka? Kill me"

She whispered, her breath feathering against Sunaka's ear with a deadly whisper of caliginous intention and pride, her voice echoing into the depths of her doctorial mind. She had her full attention without much effort.

Sunaka's lips pursued into a radiant smile, her sharp surgical hands dropped nearly to her sides, the dagger slipping from her grasp and clattering onto the cold stone floor. Her dark Arabian eyes held Kirari's oceanic eyes with an intensity that reflected their shared history - the lovers they had been, the innocence they had lost, as each bad been each others first.

"Seems I can't kill you,"

Sunaka murmured disappointingly, her gaze trailing over Kirari's body.

"Not when you touch me with those hands..."

Their encounter took an unexpected turn as Sunaka's rage morphed into a heated passion, but Kirari, always one for surprises, revealed a silver revolver tucked away under Sunaka's dress, a loaded chamber glistening under the faint light when the Arabian girl was too distracted to notice her hand creeping up her hidden chambers.

"You've always been too trusting,"

Kirari chuckled, the sound ricocheting off the empty space. Sunaka stepped back, a hint of fear flickering across her face, but it was quickly replaced by a smirk, that proved her intentions weren't all too sweet.

"Can't outsmart you, can I, Kirari?"

She admitted, a daring proposal escaping her violet tinted lips as she proposes an unexpected offer out of nowhere.

"Suppose you'd join me for a ride for old times sake, unless you're afraid I'll take you somewhere beyond the horizon.."

Sunaka whispers coquettishly, her words slowly etching into the night and growing bold and cold as she digs her fingernails into Kirari's shoulders, but remains nonetheless seductive and playful, almost as if she hoped Kirari would be somehow enticed by her unusual offer.

"See to your offer then so. If you're the humble one, I'll be your guest - but on the off condition we do drink for a fair share"

Kirari responds nonchalantly, taking her up on her offer as she had nothing else to do that evening anyway. It would be better to keep Sunaka close, rather than to have her trample over Sayaka and threaten her with weapons in the midst of the night.

Little did Kirari know, had she not been the one to leave the academy first, Sayaka would have been ambushed by Sunaka herself, but it seems she had spoiled the little doctor's plans by showcasing herself in the chaotic situation.

"I couldn't have settled for a better bargain"

Sunaka smiles, leading the way back towards her limo as she escorts Kirari into a limousines of her own trade, as the duo slowly climb in from the back. Both accustom themselves to the leather white seats, as Sunaka draws out two silver glasses from the side compartments. She grabs a bottle of Italian champagne and plunges it open, while casting one glass to herself, the other to Kirari, until the blonde girl surprises her with another share of caution.

Kirari bids no time and swaps out the silver glass, for that of Sunaka's own, and the Arabian girl could do no other but laugh. It seems Kirari had not changed one bit. She was still well polished, cautious and inquisitive as ever.

"Did you really think I'd be dumb enough to poison you?"

She asks, casually leaning in a bit closer to be face to face with the elegant academy president, who made herself all too comfortable in Sunaka's white leather seats.

"Dumb enough you could be, but an extra caution would not hurt, I suppose"

She neatly folds her polished feminine arms under her chest, her toes slightly curling with amusement as Kirari directs herself assertively back to business.

"Shall we get to business then?, I do reckon you did not invite me for no cause, Sunaka"

Meanwhile, someone in the far distant horizon snaps a pencil in half out of malice. She has already have had enough.

Kakegurui Fine Wine [KIRARI X SAYAKA] -- ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now