Chapter 163: Scandalous News

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Hearing the words of her mother sent shockwaves through Sayaka's body, shaking her to the core. The weight that had burdened her soul for so long suddenly returned with a vengeance, pressing down on her shoulders like a mountain threatening to crush her. But as she leaned into her mother's embrace, a sense of relief washed over her like the calm ocean, almost as if a storm had finally passed and left behind a calm, serene sky that was warm, sunny and radiant like summer.

Her mother's touch was gentle, a balm to her wounded heart. The soft patting on her head was like a healing caress, whispering promises of comfort and safety. Sayaka closed her eyes, savoring the momentary respite from the storm that had ravaged her emotions.

"This too shall pass"

Her mother's voice resonated in her ears, like the wise echo of ancient wisdom.

"It is okay to grieve, but you must know the bond of your relationship is not yet over, unless explicitly stated. But, nonetheless, you should hold your dignity and never bow your head down to those who have wronged you."

Her mother's words struck a chord deep within Sayaka's soul. They reminded her of the importance of self-respect, of valuing her own worth above all else. Kirari's sudden betrayal had shattered her trust, but she should not allow it to break her spirit. Sayaka had to learn to love herself first, to find the strength within to stand tall and reclaim her dignity.

Hours drifted by, their conversation a lifeline that kept Sayaka afloat in a sea of emotions. Tears had ceased their relentless flow, replaced by a newfound sense of composure. She found herself comfortably nestled on the yellow couch, basking in the warmth of her mother's presence. It was then that Sayaka realized her father's absence, and curiosity sparked within her for he was nowhere to be seen.

"Mother, I don't see father anywhere. Does this mean he is still overseas and you are alone?"

Sayaka's voice trembled slightly, remnants of tears still clinging to her eyes as she quietly moved her hands to touch her own face.

Suddenly, her mother's calm and happy expression faded, replaced by a desolate emptiness. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, laden with untold sorrow, as she leaned back against the armrests of the yellow couch. Avoiding eye contact, she absentmindedly swirled the remnants of green tea in her cup.

"Nay, dear. He is no longer welcome in our household"

Her mother uttered, her voice filled with a mix of resignation and pain.

Sayaka leaned forward, her heart pounding in her chest. Confusion mingled with concern as she raised her eyebrows and awaited her mother's explanation, the truth that lay hidden beneath the surface.

"Sayaka, you're old enough to know this, but your father and I have actually never been in love."

Her mother's words crashed upon her like a merciless tidal wave, threatening to sweep away her very foundation. Sayaka's hand trembled, nearly dropping the delicate cup and silverware as shock coursed through her veins.

"What... does this mean? I-I thought you had love for one another"

Sayaka stammered, her voice barely a whisper, unable to comprehend the magnitude of this revelation.

Kakegurui Fine Wine [KIRARI X SAYAKA] -- ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now