World Order

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Lui pov: "Mumei-chan, why did you want to meet up?" I asked my owl sister

She stared at all of us since Holox is now in charge of the world, "just to talk."

Senpai, can you please tell us what is going on with the world?" Koyori asked

"Yes, but in order to do that, I have to discuss something else with you, specifically Lui-convicts have escaped from the prison, and I would appreciate it if Holox would spare five of them."

"That is absurd. Why would we spare those five girls, these ones in the pictures you handed out?" Laplus said

"Lui-nee, look at them carefully." Mumei-chan told me

I stared at the pictures deeply, seeing the twins, but that wasn't what she wanted me to see. My eyes clocked onto the one picture of the bird-Our little sister, I presume?

Mumei-chan nodded at my thought, and I smirked. "Then let's spare them," I said.

"Hold it, what you are saying would cause panic and distrust in Holox; people will think we are weak if we can't capture five girls, even if it is on a protection principle due to Mumei-senpai!" Laplus yelled

"Look, I didn't come here to fight; hence, I didn't bring Zeta here with me."

Laplus, we may as well hear Mumei-senpai out," Koyori said.

Mumei smirked at Koyori's brilliance. "I'm not asking for much; just spare five girls; that is all we need."

"And so what if we grant this? You better have insurance or at least a receipt if this falls through!" Laplus yelled

"Calm down, darling," Yui whispered into her wife's ear.

"Look-One girl we maybe could allow, but five you are asking for an impossible request!" Laplus said

"I am aware, but you need the council's protection to keep doing what you are doing."

Mumei-chan's words cut deep; she really was giving us an ultimatum. We have no choice. I smiled at her since she was doing things correctly.

Mumei-senpai, are they dangerous?" Chloe asked

"Not at all; actually, they are S-class criminals." She stated

"S class!?" Laplus screamed

"Again, don't worry about it." Mumei-chan scoffed

"So... if they break off, we can cut them up?" Iroha said

"Yes, if you wish to do so; however, I have a feeling you don't want to commit acts of violence," Mumei-chan said.

Koyori butted back into the conversation, saying, "That is correct; my darling is a pacifist, and we hear you loud and clear, senpai. We won't get in the way of those five having full clearance; just give us the reason."

"I'm still being hunted as a vessel and need to draw them out again since they escaped, but my plan is to try to absorb Omega instead of merging."

Koyori and I Nodded absorbing is different than fusion because when the merging process happens, the one being absorbed is blotted out and does not just exist inside the other; it is more one-sided.

We can't just rely on Mumei-chan doing this; we need a contingency plan just in case something happens.

"I'm not going at this half-assed; please understand that I genuinely think my idea and plan will work out; you just have to trust." Mumei-chan said

"And what if it all crashes and burns?" Laplus asks

"Then we will have to do it again. We have to stroke the fire, even if it has to be made over and over again. We need to keep adding fuel."

Very wise words from Mumei-senpai. She is correct; we have to keep trying, no matter how difficult.

"Hey Lui-nee, come here for a moment," Mumei-chan said.

I walked over to her, and she grabbed me. All of a sudden, we were somewhere else. "Ah-Mumei-senpai!" A girl yelled

"Hey, Nerissa, this is Takane Lui, your older sister." Mumei said

"Hello, senpai... but Mumei, I told you I'm not interested in playing family right now!" Nerissa yelled

"I'm going to introduce you to everyone, though there is still one more sister you have to meet, then the non-immediate family like Calli," Mumei said.

"Mori? How is Mori-senpai related to us?" Nerissa asked

"Oh, Kiara's wife," Mumei said.

"What!?" Nerissa screamed

"Anyway, I'll leave you on that, so I'll see you later. Have a good rest, and please don't do anything rash." Mumei-chan said

"Nice to meet you, although our meeting is brief," I said.

"Yes, nice to meet you too," Nerissa shyly said.

"Nerissa, I apologize for everything that has happened to you guys, so please get strong for me," Mumei said as she got us out of there.

"What the hell was that about?" I asked

"I made Nerissa mad by bringing up Kiara and Calli's relationship," Mumei-chan said.

"Wait-does Nerissa love Kiara?" I asked

"Well, all her senpai, but yeah, you'd be surprised how many people love Kiara."

"Huh, so like-" Mumei-chan stopped me before I could complete my sentence.

"Yes, I like her," she said.

I smiled. Birds always find a way to like one another; we are all family one way or another just because we are birds after all.

"Lui, I want to find all the birds and add them to this family," Mumei-chan said.

"Really?" I said

She nodded, and I couldn't help but smile. She seems to be more attentive, happier, and willing to involve people in her life.

"What are you going to do?" I asked

"Just wait to see what is happening with this situation," Mumei said.

I nodded. We do need to watch this and not let it play out for the worse. What are we going to do?

"Let's go back," Mumei-chan said.

"Wait, tell me something," I said to my sister.


I asked her the question, and she nodded her head. "I will tell you this only once."

I listened to hear the answer to a question I have always had.

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