End of Pacifism

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Iroha pov: We got back to the base, and as soon as we got there, I noticed something was off. There was an eerie feeling.

Koyori stared into the base, and then Chloe approached us and said, "Laplus is fighting." Chlo-tan said to me as she wiped the blood off her face.

"Wait-someone is in the base, then where are you going?" Koyori asked

"To get Lui-nee!" Chloe said to us

"Look, we can help you battle whoever is inside!" Azki-senpai said

"Wait, Azki-senpai, Sora-senpai is-you have to watch her; don't go inside; we can handle this!" I told her.

"Fine, but in five minutes, I'm checking on you two!" Azki-chan said to me

"Azkichi, let's help Chloe call Lui." Sora-senpai suggested

"Good idea," she calmly said.

Koyori and I ran in, and we saw Laplus within seconds. She was struggling with a paper bag. "Friend?" I questioned.

The paper bag glared at me and put itself over our "leader," taking control of her horns protruding from it.

"I am going to have a body. Mumei thought she sealed me again, but she was wrong. You are going to perish. The world will be Omega's," it shouted out.

"Yeah, no," I claimed.

Koyori snapped her fingers and summoned drones to fly in. Friend used Laplus's body and destroyed the drones. She then had the mechs come in, and they began to bat Friend around.

"Hold back, that is Laplus' body!" Koyori yelled

"Hold it, Koyori, let me fight. I am your body guard!" I told her.

She shook her head and said, "No."

"Why!?" I yelled

"You are a pacifist; you don't want to harm things, and this is Laplus' body. I know you don't want to do anything to this body, so let me handle this and just protect me in other ways!" She told me

"Wait-but I don't know how to protect you from magic. I don't know if my sword is sharp enough to cut through it. I may just get in your way. I am rusty. I am green in battle these days!" I said

"No way!" She told me, "You are strong!" She claimed to me that she wanted me to know that.

"Koyori, I don't know who or what to do in this situation because I am not prepared. I never thought we would be in battle so soon. I didn't think you'd be in danger. I love you and want to protect you. I'm sorry that I'm not ready to fight!" I cried

"Iroha-chan, don't worry... I love you no matter what. I don't care if you can't fight or if you can't protect me. I just want you by my side. I want to love you. I want to marry you, and this is going to happen. We are going to get married, Iroha. We just have to save Laplus, and then as soon as Lui-nee gets back, we are getting married because I love you."Koyori-chan, said to me

After those words exited her mouth, Koyori was bluntly slammed in the head by magic. "Koy-Koyori?" I mumbled, and she fell back into my arms. Blood poured from her head.

"Hehehe, so the robots stop if the girl is unconscious!" Friend laughed

"Huh?" I growled

"You care about that girl, right? She is worthless. I was watching her when she had her little chat with Mumei. She wanted to destroy her entire life. Her purpose is a waste. She got the world in her hands, and she has done nothing with it. She hasn't held the world captive. She hasn't killed millions. She hasn't lived up to the leader she should be." Friend said

"You bastsrd..." I snarled

"Why are you so mad? She didn't love you; all you are to her is a tool for her; she doesn't even need you, and look at this, you realize that you are going to be replaced. You could have blocked my attack if you paid attention. If you were heartless and weren't swayed by love, you would have noticed my attack!" Friend shouted

"Heartless," I said softly.

"You are just a pathetic pacifist. You don't want to lift your hand at your allies. You don't want to fight, but you are a bodyguard. You are her so-called lover. You are the right-hand woman, but you can't even do your job. You can't rule with an iron fist. You can't kill whoever Koyori wants!" Friend yelled

I kissed Koyori on the forehead and gently set her down before darting forward while Friend was still talking. Within less than a second, I was behind them, and I slashed Laplus' body.

"Shut up. You don't know what Koyori wants. You don't know what I want. If you want to see a heartless samurai, you have it," I told them.

"What!?" Friend yelled

As Friend turned to glare at me, I walked past them. Little did they know, I had already sliced them up a thousand times. The paper bag ripped off our leader's body, which was riddled with cuts.

"Damn you!" Friend screamed

"Damn me? No damn you!" I yelled, I jumped up, and I began to rapidly slash the attack. Friend was sliced up into tiny pieces. "Die," I coldly said to them.

The soul of Friend rebuilt its body. "How dare you!" It said

"How dare you hurt my beloved?" I spat

"I'm sorry!!!" It yelled

"Sorry won't cut it, but this sword will!"

Friend was slashed again this time, and I made sure to even slice its soul. I don't want to see Koyori hurt this bastard, and this hurts the person I love the most. This irritates me.

"How did you cut my soul?" It asked

"You hurt my soul by making me witness Koyori's blood, and now I'll make you pay in blood!" I yelled

I went to deal the finishing blow, but Friend sealed itself, which made me mad. I wanted to kill that thing, but more importantly, Koyori, "Are you okay!?" I asked

"Yeah," Koyori told me as she squeezed my hand. "I love you," she told me.

"I love you too," I replied.

And that was the truth.

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