Slow Ticks

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Amelia pov: "Where is Irys!?" Bae shouts

I looked in the direction she went and then looked at Bae, tapping her and pausing her in time.

"Get her out of here..." I told her friend.

I ran out of the room and past Kronii, who was confused by my speed as I exited the room.

"Ame, where are you going!?" Kronii asks

"No time to explain!!" I shout

"Amelia, why are you here!?" Irys asked me

"We are friends, so we promised we would fight Omegaα together." I said

"No, but the timeline!" Irys argued

"Listen, we don't have time to focus on the fucking timeline. Let's finish Omegaα off here, and then we can reset the timeline and see where we go from there!" I said

Irys' back began to bubble, and Omegaα poured out of her back unpaused in time.
"I'm going to kill you!!!" They shout

"Of course you assume you can," Irys said.

"Nameless, isn't she here? Where the hell is she!?" Omega screamed angrily.

"No clue. All I know is that before the reset, we have to erase you off the timeline!" I shout

"I'll erase you..." Omegaα spat

"Like last time and the time before that and the time before that, we will defeat you!!!" Irys shouts

"There is no way!!!" Omegaα screamed

Gura showed up behind her and slammed her in the back of her head, and Ina batted her around with tentacles.

"We won't lose..." Ina said

"We will hold you off," Gura said.

"Where are those two?" Omegaα growls

"You mean us?" Kiara said as she blasts them with fire and Calli slashed them

"Takanashi Kiara!!!!" They shout angrily

There is so much that we will have to redo but this is the only way hold this thing off and erase them before time resets...

Sana opened up a portal to Atlantis and told us all to enter one at a time.

Ina went in first, then Sana. I was going to let Gura go in after but she opted that I go in next. She followed soon after. As soon as I got to the other side, I looked around, noticing quickly Atlantis was in shambles.

"Queen Gura has arrived!" One citizen said Gura's eyes widened in shock.

"Q-queen!"? She looked confused.

"Yes, you are our new Queen!" Everyone cheered.

"What happened to my mom!?" Gura asked.

"Nachoneko-sama went missing..." one of the guards stated.

"Damn it..." Gura said she definitely wasn't prepared to rule a kingdom.

"Gura, what should we do?" Ina asked.

"Make a run for it!" Gura screamed. She grabbed my hand and began running.

"The Queen is trying to run!" Everyone yelled as they charged after us.

"I can hold them off!" Sana said as she came to a halt.

"Wait! I'll help you!" Ina shouted.

"No Ame and Gura need you, Ina." Sana said

"But I need you!" Ina shouted.

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