Things We Fight For

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Calli pov: I was staring at Kiara and thought about the reason I fight it is for her always her.

"Calli focus!" Kiara said

I need to clear my mind and stop thinking about the past it'll be null and void soon but still...

The past is important to me.


I desperately awaited Kiara's answer. She let out a sharp, relief-filled sigh and looked me in the eyes."

"Calli, I really want to marry you. However, I have to turn you down right now. " Kiara said, never once letting her gaze stray from mine.

"I see..." I said, a bit saddened by her response. She noticed my change in mood and pulled me into a tight embrace.

Kiara took the ring and slipped it onto her finger before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"You are too quick to talk about marriage. We aren't even dating yet." she said, resting her chin on my shoulder.

"Let's take things slow for now, but I want you to hold your word. I want to take you on that offer later." she said, making me smile.

"I promise one day I will be at the alter with you" I told her as she pulled away

"Kiara do you want to go to the underworld with Calli?" Mumei asked happily

Kiara looked at Mumei and shook her head, "I've gone to the underworld too much. Calli has never seen our home yet. I want to bring her there." She said, making me blush,

"Alright, but I won't be there for a bit. I have work to do." Mumei said she suddenly glared at Gura and Ina,

"Since you two are here, I want you to go to the mystical forest and find someone, a half-elf named Aki Rosenthal. Tell her I sent you." Mumei said both girls nodded and were dismissed.

Ame asked if she could go with Gura and Ina, Mumei just shrugged and told her to ask Kronii

Mumei waved goodbye and walked off into the distance, leaving me alone with Kiara. We stayed in silence for what felt like an eternity. We didn't know what to say to each other. I questioned why she put on the ring if she wasn't going to marry me right away, but I felt as if I already knew what her response was going to be. I understand how she works. She probably would tell me it's so she and I could remember the promise to be wed

"What have I done to your beautiful body?" I asked, walking up to her and slightly lifting her shirt so I could look at her scar. I gently caressed the jagged discolored line on her skin. This scar is one of the many things I regret. She winced a bit when I touched it. I wondered if she still felt pain. She answered my question immediately.

"Sometimes it feels like your scythe is still lodged in me. I get phantom pains. Sometimes they hurt so much that I throw up painkillers don't make the pain go away," she said, making me feel horrible

"I've never damned myself more than I have today."

"Don't be like that, Calli," Kiara said, gently wrapping her arms around me. "You are being too hard on yourself."

"Weren't you being tough on me just a few minutes ago?" I said with a teasing tone. Kiara's face went blank, "That was different!" She yelled. I just rolled my eyes, trying to hold back my laughter.

"Calli, kiss me again," Kiara pleaded. I shook my head, annoying Kiara. "Come one, Calli, you're my girlfriend, so kiss me!" She whined that the thought of us dating made me blush. She was acting like a spoiled child, never letting up until she got what she wanted.

"Fine..." I groaned slightly, dipping down to connect our lips again.

"I see you two have made up a little too well." Bae giggled, walking up to us with Irys.

"B-bae, I can explain!" I panickedly said, "I am not in love with her. I just wanted to kiss her because she's so cute. " I said Bae just nodded, "Okay Calli, I understand," she teasingly said.

Bae noticed the ring on Kiara's finger and let out a sharp gasp, "Kiara is going to be my sister!" She cheered. I didn't know what to say to that.

"Calli was gracious enough to propose to me. We will eventually get married, but we're taking things slowly for now." Kiara explained.

"No, I'm not marrying you." I yelled. I started to look around the room like crazy, not wanting to look anyone in the eyes.

"That's not what you said a few moments ago." My face flushed with embarrassment, and she whispered, "I love you, Calli," kissing my cheek lightly.

"Calli, stop being a Tsundere. We all know you love Kiara. Isn't that why I brought you here?" Irys said, I rapidly shook my head, "No, I wouldn't come here just for Kiara!" I shouted, all three of them just laughed,

"Let's go with that." Bae giggled as she tapped Irys on the arm, getting her attention. "I think we should leave the two lovers alone to do their thing." Bae whispered Irys nodded and the two took their leave.

As soon as they left, Kiara tackled me to the ground and started kissing me all over. "Let's make tons of babies, Calli!" She said loudly, making my eyes widen. I covered her mouth to silence her. "Don't say that, Kiara!" I shouted. I hoped nobody was able to hear her say that if they did, I would die of embarrassment.

I quickly changed the subject. "How about we go to your place now, Kiara?" I said, noticing Kiara grinning. "Okay, I can't wait to throw you on my bed." She said. "Fine, but promise me that one day you'll let me do whatever I want to you." I said she got flustered, knowing it was too early to be thinking like that.

We left the gods' domain and made our way to wherever Kiara lived. Her house looked nice. She tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention

"Calli, only two of my sisters are home right now, so as my future wife, I want you to make a good first impression." Kiara said she opened the door. There were two birds, one duck and one hawk, sitting on chairs. I assumed they had human forms. "Hello,
I'm Mori Calliope!" I blurted out, getting the birds' attention.

They just glared at me, their gazes never wavering. It made me nervous. Kiara cleared her throat, making sure we were all looking at her.

"Subaru-senpai, Lui, this is Calli, my future fiance," she said, laughing. The two girls turned into human form and were in shock.

"You're what?" The two girls said in unison, staring at me.

Why did Kiara have to make this awkward?

End of flashback...

"Kiara we need to end this!" I shout

"For Kobo and Clara!" She growled

"You realize at the end of this battle they're going go dissappear right!?" Ame asks

"Yeah we know... Fuck off!" I shout

"We have to go at this all out!" Irys said

We all agree we need to do this we need to win we need to defeat them we need to win right here and now. Even if the world is reset we have to beat them!

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