Loving The Timid Girl

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Hajime pov: "Hajime, can we leave!" Kanade asked me as she walked up to me and hugged me from behind.

"Oh, really well, I guess we can leave." I told her.

Ririka glared at us in anger and jealousy, and she ran at us only to be stopped by Ao. "Calm down," the blue-haired girl said as she pulled the red-haired girl away from us.

"No-Hajime-chan is mine!" Ririka shouted

"Can we not share?" Raden asked

"No, I don't want to share with you!" Ririka yelled

To be fair, that is a smart thing to not want to share with Raden because she is a little self-centered in a way.

I ended up running away with Kanade and pinning her to a wall. "Ba-Banchou!" She said it with fluency.

"You're sexy, and I want to hear you scream, so let me throw you onto a bed and indulge myself in you," I said.

"Banchou-Hajime, you are cute, but please stop!" Kanade whined

I slammed my lips against hers and slid my tongue into her mouth, kissing her roughly. I pinned her to the wall so she couldn't move, but she managed to get away from me.

"Let's look around first." She said

"The council room is way too big!" I said

"Why are you two kissing?" Raden asked

"They're in love," Ao replied.

There was an odd gap of silence. I looked over to the orange-haired girl, expecting input from her.

"Aren't you going to say something, Ririka?" I asked her. She looked up and shook her head.

"Nah, I don't really feel like commenting on this right now; I just want to take this in." She said

That was a little odd for Ririka, but as long as she doesn't mind doing it, I guess it is fine. The silence can be normal since she's okay with it.

"Let's look for a bedroom," Kanade offered.

"Oh-Okay!" I said

"Have fun, you two," Ao said as she began to yank the cigarettes out of Raden's pockets.

"Ririka I'm heading out!" I said

"Kay," she responded. She was still taking the environment in, and Kanade and I walked away.

"I thought it'd be harder to get you alone," she said.

"Yeah, I know. Now let's hurry up and find the bedroom so we can have-well, you know," I stated.

I looked for the designer dresses again, and I saw them, knowing they were near the bedrooms.

"Now where is the guest room?" I asked

"Probably around here," Kanade said.

"No, that is Mumei-senpai's room," I said.

I felt chills again. Ririka was definitely following us once again. This is creepy; she has to watch meticulously.

"Can we go somewhere else?" I asked

"We can, but what about the bedroom? I really want you to have your way with me," she said.

I don't want Kanade to be watched; she is timid. I need her to have some time to herself, and I think of this as a date. I want to hear her confess to me. I need to hear it; it's important for me. I've heard Raden confess, Ao confess, and Ririka confess, but I've never had Kanade confess to me, and I really want it right now. I have to do so.

"Why are you so jumpy?" Kanade asked me

"Why am I so jumpy?" I asked

The most timid girl asked me why I'm jumpy. It's funny and ironic, but at the same time, she knew that Ririka was after us again.

"Ririka has another knife," the blonde said as a knife whizzed past us.

Kanade ran up to me and connected our lips together quickly. "I love you," she said.

"You-You-You ahhhhhhhhhh!" I cried

"Kanade, you confessed to her again!" Ririka screamed

"That's right I kissed Todoroki Hajime and confessed to her, What are you going to do about it?" She yelled

"I'll-do nothing!" Ririka screamed

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked

"You aren't mad?" Kanade asked

"No, but nobody wanted Kanade," she stated.

"I do," I said to her.

"Hajime, my Hajime, you are no one else's; you don't deserve to be with anyone else but me. I love you the most, you know. I love you the most, you know. I want to see you the most, you know. I want to hug you the most, you know. I want to kiss you the most, you know. I want to fu-" I cut her off before she could finish.

"I'm fine with a harem!" I yelled

"You are fine, but I don't want to share you; after all, you are my Hajime and only my Hajime, and even if I get you more, there are still going to be times where I don't get you," she said.

"I'm not only yours," I said.

"Hajime, you are only mine. I own you. I love you. You are my Hajime, only mine. I own you. I love you. You can't escape me. You can't love anyone else but me because I'm the greatest and show you so much love, and I am. just so cute that you adore me, right?" She asked

"Kanade is cute too," I said.

Her eyes filled with bloodlust suddenly.

"She hasn't done anything with you, though I've done everything for you, and yet you dare to say something stiff like this: you love me the most; you have to; if you don't, I don't know what I will do. You are the only person I can think of and the only person I can love. You are mine after all, and I am not the only one who should have the privilege to have you because I'm your lover, Todoroki Hajime, your future wife, so love me!" She said

She is talking crazy. I can't be this extreme with her, but at the same time, if I humor her, then we can at least get out of this situation. But is it really a good idea to give this girl what she wants since she is talking crazy? She is insane, clearly, so should I humor this behavior or should I just run?

"Ririka, I love Hajime, and I'm not budging." Kanade said

Ririka growled "Fine, be defiant; just know that despite the fact that I'm letting you have her, sometimes I'm not going to let you take her completely." She yelled

That is fine. She doesn't have to take me fully; that is the point of a harem.

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